Largest Oil And Gas Fields In The United States

Oil and Gas Fields in the United States contribute greatly to meeting the country’s high energy needs. From the vast reserves of the Permian Basin to the innovative shale formations like Marcellus and Eagle Ford, these fields form the foundation of the country’s energy infrastructure. The Largest natural gas fields in the US sector contributes 7% of the GDP of the United States and supports nine million employees in the country, according to the American Petroleum Institute.

In this article, we’ll look into the top 10 largest oil and gas fields in the United States. We will also explore their locations and their contribution to supporting the country’s energy demands.

Largest Oil And Gas Fields In The United States

Table of Content

  • About Oil and Natural Gas Fields in the United States
  • List of Top 10 Largest Oil Fields in the United States
  • Largest Oil Field in the United States – Permian Basin
  • Second Largest Oil Field in the United States – Eagle Ford Shale
  • Third Largest Oil Field in the United States – Bakken Formation
  • Fourth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Wattenberg Oil Field
  • Fifth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Atlantis Oil Field
  • Sixth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Shenzi Oil and Gas Field
  • Seventh Largest Oil Field in the United States – Prudhoe Bay Oil Field
  • Eighth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Niobrara Shale
  • Ninth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Kuparuk River Oil Field
  • Tenth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Midway-Sunset Oil Field
  • List of Top 10 Largest Gas Fields in the United States
  • Largest Gas Field in the United States – Marcellus Shale
  • Second Largest Gas Field in the United States – Newark East
  • Third Largest Gas Field in the United States – B-43 Area
  • Fourth Largest Gas Field in the United States – San Juan Basin
  • Fifth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Haynesville Shale
  • Sixth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Pinedale Field
  • Seventh Largest Gas Field in the United States – Carthage Gas Field
  • Eighth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Jonah Gas Field
  • Ninth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Wattenberg Gas Field
  • Tenth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Prudhoe Bay Gas Field
  • Key Points for Largest Oil And Gas Fields In The United States

About Oil and Natural Gas Fields in the United States

In 2019, the US oil sector extracted 4.47 billion barrels of crude oil, a record amount for the country (around 12.25 million barrels per day), at an average price of US$55 per barrel. In October 2023, crude oil output hit a record high of 13.2 million barrels per day.

From 2011 through 2014, U.S. natural gas output hit new highs every year. The amount of natural gas that was sold on the market in 2014 was 74.7 billion cubic feet per day, which was 44% more than the 51.9 billion cubic feet per day produced in 2005. Natural gas liquid output went from 1.74 million barrels per day in 2005 to 2.96 million barrels per day in 2014, a 70% increase during the same period.

List of Top 10 Largest Oil Fields in the United States

The top 10 oil fields in the United States are mentioned below:

Top oil and gas industry in the United States

Field Name


Production (Per Day)

Permian Basin

Texas and New Mexico

6 million barrels

Eagle Ford Shale


1.1 million barrels

Bakken Formation

North Dakota and Montana

1 million barrels

Wattenberg Oil Field


2,16,000 barrels

Atlantis Oil Field

Federal Gulf of Mexico

1,40,000 barrels


Federal Gulf of Mexico

1,00,000 barrels

Prudhoe Bay Oil Field


27,314 barrels

Niobrara Shale

Colorado and Wyoming

4000 barrels

Kuparuk River Oil field


71.021 barrels

Midway-Sunset Oil Field


69.790 barrels

Below are the details of the top 10 oil fields of the United States:

Largest Oil Field in the United States – Permian Basin

The Permian Basin is a huge sedimentary basin in the southwest of the United States. With an average daily production of 6 million barrels of crude oil in July 2023, it is the highest-producing oil field in the United States. Southeastern New Mexico and western Texas are the locations of this sedimentary basin. It extends from a point just south of Lubbock, across Midland and Odessa, almost all the way south to the Rio Grande River in southern West Central Texas, and then continues west into central New Mexico.

Second Largest Oil Field in the United States – Eagle Ford Shale

The Eagle Ford Shale is located in South Texas. More than 2,800 producing wells are supported by more than 30 central collecting and treatment facilities run by Marathon Oil throughout the play. The Eagle Ford produced over 1.1 million barrels of oil per day in April 2023. The total amount of oil produced in the Eagle Ford is currently 1.149 million, up from 1.111 million the previous year. On the other hand, the average horizontal well EUR for 2022 fell by 119,000 barrels (-26%) from 2021. The EUR fell by 158,000 (-35%) in 2023 compared to 2021.

Third Largest Oil Field in the United States – Bakken Formation

The Bakken Formation is a subterranean layer of sedimentary rock containing billions of barrels of oil and natural gas. It is situated in the Williston Basin, which stretches from eastern Montana and southern Saskatchewan to southwest Manitoba. Shales with a high content of organic matter comprise the top and lower parts of the Bakken Formation. Because of their limited permeability, these components are regarded as top-notch source rocks that also function as effective seals. The Bakken region produced 1 million barrel of oil per day in 2023.

Fourth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Wattenberg Oil Field

The Wattenberg field in Weld County, Colorado, produced 216,000 barrels of oil per day in the first quarter of 2023, with 60% of those being liquids. There was a progressive decline in output. The Denver-Julesburg Basin in northeastern Colorado is home to the Wattenberg field. It has about 23,000 wells and is larger than 2,000 square miles. Since it started to operate in 1970, the field has experienced multiple cycles of growth and rebirth.

Fifth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Atlantis Oil Field

Situated in approximately 7,000 feet of water, the Atlantis semisubmersible production platform is situated 150 miles south of New Orleans.

The Argos Platform for Mad Dog 2 reached its first production in April 2023. In 2023 it reached a gross production capacity of 140,000 barrels of oil per day. Situated 150 miles south of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantis Oil Field is situated along the Sigsbee Escarpment.

Sixth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Shenzi Oil and Gas Field

The Shenzi oil and gas development in the Gulf of Mexico began producing in September 2023. Woodside Energy is the field’s operator. It can produce up to 50 million standard cubic feet of gas and 100,000 barrels of oil per day. In 2023, the Shenzi platform yielded 180–190 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) annually, producing both gas and oil.

Seventh Largest Oil Field in the United States – Prudhoe Bay Oil Field

The Prudhoe Bay oil field produced 27,314 barrels of oil on average every day in 2023. From the field’s 1988 peak production of 319,013 barrels per day, this represents a decrease. Hilcorp North Slope is the operator of the US onshore Prudhoe Bay oil field. Since its discovery in 1968, the field has yielded approximately 13 billion barrels of oil.

Eighth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Niobrara Shale

Situated in Northeastern Colorado and Southeast Wyoming, the Niobrara-DJ Basin is a gas play rich in crude oil and liquids. The Powder River in Wyoming and certain regions of Northwest Colorado are among the Rocky Mountain regions where the Niobrara can be found. The EIA estimated in June 2023 that 4,000 barrels of oil were produced day in Niobrara.

Ninth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Kuparuk River Oil Field

Operating on Alaska’s North Slope, ConocoPhillips is the operator of the Kuparuk River oil field. Production at the field peaked in 1992 at about 325,000 barrels per day, having started in 1982. Production had dropped to 58,270 barrels per day in 2022. ConocoPhillips projected in June 2023 that the Kuparuk River oil field would produce 1.78–1.82 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMBOED) during the third quarter of 2023. The current production rate is 71,021 barrels per day.

Tenth Largest Oil Field in the United States – Midway-Sunset Oil Field

The Californian Midway-Sunset Oil Field produced 69.79 barrels of oil per day as of 2023. The field is situated in California’s San Joaquin Valley, in Kern County. In Fellows, Kern County, California, there is a 225-megawatt cogeneration plant called the Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company (MSCC). Also, the plant generates steam to assist in thermally enhanced oil recovery.

List of Top 10 Largest Gas Fields in the United States

The below table lists the top 10 largest gas fields in the United States:

Field Name


Production (Per Day)

Marcellus Shale

Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky

2,836 billion cubic feet

Newark East

Hudson County, New Jersey

1,951 billion cubic feet

B-43 Area

Arkoma basin of north central Arkansas

1,025 billion cubic feet

San Juan Basin

New Mexico, southwestern Colorado, and parts of Utah and Arizona

1,024 billion cubic feet

Haynesville Shale

Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas

925 billion cubic feet

Pinedale Field

Jackson, Wyoming

653 billion cubic feet

Carthage Gas Field

Panola County, Texas

568 billion cubic feet

Jonah Gas Field

Green River basin, Wyoming

304 billion cubic feet

Wattenberg Gas Field

Denver Basin of central Colorado

239 billion cubic feet

Prudhoe Bay Gas Field

North of Fairbanks

147 billion cubic feet

Below are the details of the top 10 gas fields of the United States:

Largest Gas Field in the United States – Marcellus Shale

The Marcellus/Appalachian Shale region produced close to 2836 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) as of early 2023. This makes it the biggest producing region of shale gas in the US. The Marcellus-Utica shale adds 36 Bcf/d to the 119 Bcf/d natural gas production in the US.

Second Largest Gas Field in the United States – Newark East

Discovered in 1981, the Newark East (Barnett Shale) field is a gas reservoir located in Texas. It was the world’s largest-producing gas field until 2012 when Marcellus took its spot. Total Energies generated 1,951 billion cubic feet of gas per day (MMcfe/d) from the Barnett Shale in 2023. About 79% of this production is composed of natural gas, and 21% is composed of natural gas liquids (NGL).

Third Largest Gas Field in the United States – B-43 Area

One of the biggest oil and gas fields in the country is the B-43 Area, an area in Arkansas. Arkansas made a comeback to the natural gas industry with the Shale Boom, generating 1,025 billion cubic feet of gas and ranking third on the list in 2023.

Fourth Largest Gas Field in the United States – San Juan Basin

The gas reservoirs in the San Juan Basin are well-known. 381 million barrels of oil and 42.6 trillion cubic feet of gas had been produced in the basin cumulatively as of 2009.

An increase in natural gas prices may cause the San Juan Basin’s output to rise. In May 2023, LOGOS Energy reported a 30-day production rate of 1,024 billion cubic feet per day from a well in the San Juan Basin.

Fifth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Haynesville Shale

The production of natural gas from the Haynesville Shale hit a record high in 2023 of 925 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). This was 10% more than the 13.1 Bcf/d average for 2022. Northwestern Louisiana and northeastern Texas are the locations of the Haynesville Shale.

Sixth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Pinedale Field

One of the most productive regions in the country for producing natural gas is the Green River basin, which includes Pinedale. In 2023, it has produced 653 billion cubic feet per day from a well in Pinedale

Seventh Largest Gas Field in the United States – Carthage Gas Field

One of the biggest gas fields in the country is the Carthage gas field, which is situated in East Texas. The field, which is regarded as a significant gas location in North America, is situated in Panola County, Texas. In 2023, it has produced 568 billion cubic feet per day gas.

Eighth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Jonah Gas Field

In Sublette County, Wyoming, there is a large natural gas field called Jonah Field. Situated in the Green River Basin, it generates gas from sandstones found in Upper Cretaceous fluvial channels. In 2023, it has produced 304 billion cubic feet per day gas.

Ninth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Wattenberg Gas Field

Located in central Colorado’s Denver Basin, the Wattenberg Field is a natural gas and condensate field. It is roughly 1.9 million acres in size and is situated in northeastern Colorado’s Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin. In 2023, it has produced 239 billion cubic feet per day gas.

Tenth Largest Gas Field in the United States – Prudhoe Bay Gas Field

An estimated 46 trillion cubic feet of natural gas are present in the Prudhoe Bay Gas field (in situ), in solution with the oil and covered by a gas cap. Approximately 26 trillion cubic feet are deemed recoverable out of that total. In 2023, it has produced 147 billion cubic feet per day gas.

Key Points for Largest Oil And Gas Fields In The United States

Major oil fields in the USA:

  • Permian Basin (Texas and New Mexico): Largest oil-producing area.
  • Eagle Ford Shale (Texas): Known for both oil and natural gas.
  • Bakken Formation (North Dakota): Significant oil production.

US largest oil reserves:

  • Permian Basin: Holds the largest oil reserves in the US.
  • Alaska’s North Slope: Contains large reserves, including Prudhoe Bay.
  • Gulf of Mexico: Offshore reserves significant for US oil production.

Biggest natural gas fields in the US:

  • Marcellus Shale (Appalachian Basin): Largest source of natural gas.
  • Barnett Shale (Texas): Pioneered modern gas extraction techniques.
  • Haynesville Shale (Louisiana and Texas): Notable for high production rates.

American oil and gas production:

  • The US is one of the world’s top producers of oil and natural gas.
  • Technological advancements have boosted shale oil and gas production.
  • Texas, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania are leading states in production.

Key oil fields in the United States:

  • Permian Basin: Central to US oil output.
  • Alaska’s North Slope: Critical for long-term oil reserves.
  • Eagle Ford Shale and Bakken Formation: Vital for shale oil production.

Important Questions based on Largest Oil and Gas Fields in the United States, suitable for UPSC Exam, IAS Exam, and other government exams:

What are the largest oil fields in the United States?

The Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico, the Eagle Ford Group in Texas, and the Bakken Formation in North Dakota are among the largest oil fields in the U.S.

Which state in the U.S. has the largest natural gas fields?

Pennsylvania, with the Marcellus Shale, and Texas, with the Barnett Shale, are leading states for natural gas production in the U.S.

How does the U.S. rank globally in oil and gas production?

The United States is one of the world’s top producers of oil and natural gas, often ranking first in global production figures.

What impact do these oil and gas fields have on the U.S. economy?

These fields significantly contribute to the U.S. economy by providing energy, creating jobs, and generating revenue through exports.

Are there any environmental concerns associated with these large oil and gas fields?

Yes, environmental concerns include groundwater contamination, methane emissions, and habitat disruption, leading to ongoing debates about regulation and sustainability practices

Conclusion – Largest Oil and Gas Fields in the United States

In conclusion, the analysis of the US’s Top 10 Biggest Oil and Gas Fields demonstrates the country’s important position in the world energy market. Although these industries are essential to the nation’s economic growth, there are concerns about their effects on the environment and the transition to greener energy sources. A strong and responsible energy future for the United States depends on maintaining a balance between meeting energy demands and implementing sustainable practices as technology develops.

FAQs on Largest Oil and Gas Fields in the United States

What are the largest oil fields in the USA?

With an average daily production of 6 million barrels of crude oil in July 2023, Permian Basin is the highest-producing oil field in the United States.

What is the largest gas field in the United States?

Marcellus Shale or Appalachian Shale is the largest gas field in the United States.

What are the 5 largest oil companies in the US?

The top five oil companies alone—Shell, ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips.

Where is US largest oil reserve?

Eagle Ford and Permian basin is the largest oil reserve in the United States.

Where are the 4 largest deposits of natural gas located in the USA?

The 4 largest deposits of natural gas located in the USA are Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming.

What is the largest oil basin in the United States?

Permian Basin is the largest oil basin in the United States.

How many years of oil is left in the US?

The proved reserves of the US amount to 4.9 times its yearly consumption. Accordingly, there would be roughly five years’ worth of oil left if imports were stopped.

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