Largest number less than equal to N having exactly K set bits

Given two positive integers N and K, we need to determine if there exists a positive integer X less than or equal to N such that the number of 1s in the binary representation of X is equal to k (i.e., f(X) = K). If such an X exists, we also need to find the maximum value of X and print -1 if there is no such positive integer X.


1 <= X <=109
0 <= K <= 31


Input: X = 8, K = 2

Input: X = 9, K = 4
Output: -1

Approach: Follow the steps to solve the problem:

  • Count the number of set bits in the integer X.
  • If a number of set bits is equal to K then return that number itself.
  • Else traverse every bit of the number.
  • If the number of set bits in X is less than the required set bits (K).
  • Then count the number of non set bits we have to convert from the current bit and toggle them.
  • Else count the number of set bits we have to convert from 1’s to 0’s and toggle them from right to left.
  • If no such number is possible to create return -1.
  • Else return that maximum number which is less than X and has total K set bits.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the greatest number <= X
// having at most K set bits.
int greatestKBits(int X, int K)
    // Finding total number of Set Bits
    // in the number X
    int set_bit_count = __builtin_popcountll(X);
    // If set_bits are equal to K then answer
    // will be that number itself
    if (set_bit_count == K)
        return X;
    // Initializing ans
    int ans = -1;
    // Variables to store count of 1's and 0's
    // from right to left in binary
    // representation of the X
    int zero = 0, one = 0;
    // Traversing every bit
    for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
        // If current bit is set i.e. '1' is in
        // this place then follow below case
        if (((X & (1 << i)) != 0)) {
            // Increase the count of one
            // Remaining bits we have to set
            int rem = K - set_bit_count + 1;
            // If number of set bits are less than
            // number of set bits required in this
            // case we have to convert some 0's
            // into 1's
            if (set_bit_count < K
                and zero >= K - set_bit_count + 1
                and zero >= rem) {
                int new_ans = X;
                // Removing the current bit from
                // the number
                new_ans -= (1 << i);
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                    // When we still have to convert
                    // bits from zero to one
                    if (rem > 0) {
                        if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) == 0)
                        new_ans |= (1 << j);
                // Store the maximun number in the
                // ans variable
                ans = max(ans, new_ans);
            // When number of set bits are greater
            // than required set bits in this case
            // we have to convert some 1's into 0's
            else if (set_bit_count > K
                     and (set_bit_count - one) <= K) {
                int new_ans = X;
                // Remaining number of 1's we
                // still required
                rem = K - (set_bit_count - one);
                for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
                    if (rem > 0
                        and (new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0) {
                    else {
                        if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0)
                            new_ans -= (1 << j);
                // Storing the maximum value in answer
                ans = max(ans, new_ans);
        else {
            // If current bit is not set i.e. '0'
            // is in that place
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    // First Test Case
    int X = 8, K = 2;
    cout << greatestKBits(X, K) << endl;
    // Second Test Case
    X = 9;
    K = 4;
    cout << greatestKBits(X, K) << endl;
    return 0;


public class GFG {
    // Function to return the greatest number <= X
    // having at most K set bits.
    static int greatestKBits(int X, int K) {
        // Finding total number of Set Bits
        // in the number X
        int set_bit_count = Integer.bitCount(X);
        // If set_bits are equal to K then answer
        // will be that number itself
        if (set_bit_count == K)
            return X;
        // Initializing ans
        int ans = -1;
        // Variables to store count of 1's and 0's
        // from right to left in binary
        // representation of the X
        int zero = 0, one = 0;
        // Traversing every bit
        for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
            // If current bit is set i.e. '1' is in
            // this place then follow below case
            if ((X & (1 << i)) != 0) {
                // Increase the count of one
                // Remaining bits we have to set
                int rem = K - set_bit_count + 1;
                // If number of set bits are less than
                // number of set bits required in this
                // case we have to convert some 0's
                // into 1's
                if (set_bit_count < K
                        && zero >= K - set_bit_count + 1
                        && zero >= rem) {
                    int new_ans = X;
                    // Removing the current bit from
                    // the number
                    new_ans -= (1 << i);
                    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        // When we still have to convert
                        // bits from zero to one
                        if (rem > 0) {
                            if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) == 0)
                            new_ans |= (1 << j);
                    // Store the maximum number in the
                    // ans variable
                    ans = Math.max(ans, new_ans);
                // When number of set bits are greater
                // than required set bits in this case
                // we have to convert some 1's into 0's
                else if (set_bit_count > K
                        && (set_bit_count - one) <= K) {
                    int new_ans = X;
                    // Remaining number of 1's we
                    // still required
                    rem = K - (set_bit_count - one);
                    for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
                        if (rem > 0 && (new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0) {
                        } else {
                            if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0)
                                new_ans -= (1 << j);
                    // Storing the maximum value in answer
                    ans = Math.max(ans, new_ans);
            } else {
                // If current bit is not set i.e. '0'
                // is in that place
        return ans;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // First Test Case
        int X = 8, K = 2;
        System.out.println(greatestKBits(X, K));
        // Second Test Case
        X = 9;
        K = 4;
        System.out.println(greatestKBits(X, K));


# Function to return the greatest number <= X
# having at most K set bits.
def greatest_k_bits(X, K):
    # Finding total number of Set Bits
    # in the number X
    set_bit_count = bin(X).count('1')
    # If set_bits are equal to K then answer
    # will be that number itself
    if set_bit_count == K:
        return X
    # Initializing ans
    ans = -1
    # Variables to store count of 1's and 0's
    # from right to left in binary
    # representation of the X
    zero, one = 0, 0
    # Traversing every bit
    for i in range(31):
        # If current bit is set i.e. '1' is in
        # this place then follow below case
        if X & (1 << i) != 0:
            # Increase the count of one
            one += 1
            # Remaining bits we have to set
            rem = K - set_bit_count + 1
            # If number of set bits are less than
            # number of set bits required in this
            # case we have to convert some 0's
            # into 1's
            if (set_bit_count < K and zero >= K - set_bit_count + 1 and zero >= rem):
                new_ans = X
                # Removing the current bit from
                # the number
                new_ans -= (1 << i)
                for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
                    # When we still have to convert
                    # bits from zero to one
                    if rem > 0:
                        if (new_ans & (1 << j)) == 0:
                            rem -= 1
                        new_ans |= (1 << j)
                # Store the maximum number in the
                # ans variable
                ans = max(ans, new_ans)
            # When number of set bits are greater
            # than required set bits in this case
            # we have to convert some 1's into 0's
            elif (set_bit_count > K and (set_bit_count - one) <= K):
                new_ans = X
                # Remaining number of 1's we
                # still required
                rem = K - (set_bit_count - one)
                for j in range(i, -1, -1):
                    if rem > 0 and (new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0:
                        rem -= 1
                    elif (new_ans & (1 << j)) != 0:
                        new_ans -= (1 << j)
                # Storing the maximum value in answer
                ans = max(ans, new_ans)
            # If current bit is not set i.e. '0'
            # is in that place
            zero += 1
    return ans
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # First Test Case
    X = 8
    K = 2
    print(greatest_k_bits(X, K))
    # Second Test Case
    X = 9
    K = 4
    print(greatest_k_bits(X, K))


using System;
public class Program
      // Function to return the greatest number <= X
    // having at most K set bits.
    public static int GreatestKBits(int X, int K)
          // Finding total number of Set Bits
        // in the number X
        int setBitCount = Convert.ToString(X, 2).Replace("0", "").Length;
          // If set_bits are equal to K then answer
        // will be that number itself
        if (setBitCount == K)
            return X;
          // Initializing ans
        int ans = -1;
          // Variables to store count of 1's and 0's
            // from right to left in binary
        // representation of the X
        int zero = 0, one = 0;
          // Traversing every bit
        for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
              // If current bit is set i.e. '1' is in
                // this place then follow below case
            if ((X & (1 << i)) != 0)
                  // Increase the count of one
                one += 1;
                  // Remaining bits we have to set
                int rem = K - setBitCount + 1;
                  // If number of set bits are less than
                // number of set bits required in this
                    // case we have to convert some 0's
                // into 1's
                if (setBitCount < K && zero >= K - setBitCount + 1 && zero >= rem)
                      // Removing the current bit from
                        // the number
                    int newAns = X;
                    newAns -= (1 << i);
                    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                          // When we still have to convert
                            // bits from zero to one
                        if (rem > 0)
                            if ((newAns & (1 << j)) == 0)
                                rem -= 1;
                            newAns |= (1 << j);
                          // Store the maximun number in the
                    // ans variable
                    ans = Math.Max(ans, newAns);
                  // When number of set bits are greater
                // than required set bits in this case
                // we have to convert some 1's into 0's
                else if (setBitCount > K && (setBitCount - one) <= K)
                    int newAns = X;
                      // Remaining number of 1's we
                    // still required
                    rem = K - (setBitCount - one);
                    for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (rem > 0 && (newAns & (1 << j)) != 0)
                            rem -= 1;
                        else if ((newAns & (1 << j)) != 0)
                            newAns -= (1 << j);
                      // Storing the maximum value in answer
                    ans = Math.Max(ans, newAns);
                  // If current bit is not set i.e. '0'
            // is in that place
                zero += 1;
        return ans;
      // Driver code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int X = 8;
        int K = 2;
        Console.WriteLine(GreatestKBits(X, K));
        X = 9;
        K = 4;
        Console.WriteLine(GreatestKBits(X, K));


// Javascript implementation of the approach
// Function to return the greatest number <= X
// having at most K set bits.
function greatestKBits(X, K) {
    // Finding total number of Set Bits
    // in the number X
    let set_bit_count = (X).toString(2).split('').filter(x => x == '1').length;
    // If set_bits are equal to K then answer
    // will be that number itself
    if (set_bit_count == K)
        return X;
    // Initializing ans
    let ans = -1;
    // Variables to store count of 1's and 0's
    // from right to left in binary
    // representation of the X
    let zero = 0,
        one = 0;
    // Traversing every bit
    for (let i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
        // If current bit is set i.e. '1' is in
        // this place then follow below case
        if (((X & (1 << i)) !== 0)) {
            // Increase the count of one
            // Remaining bits we have to set
            let rem = K - set_bit_count + 1;
            // If number of set bits are less than
            // number of set bits required in this
            // case we have to convert some 0's
            // into 1's
            if (set_bit_count < K && zero >= K - set_bit_count + 1 && zero >= rem) {
                let new_ans = X;
                // Removing the current bit from
                // the number
                new_ans -= (1 << i);
                for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                    // When we still have to convert
                    // bits from zero to one
                    if (rem > 0) {
                        if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) === 0)
                        new_ans |= (1 << j);
                // Store the maximun number in the
                // ans variable
                ans = Math.max(ans, new_ans);
            // When number of set bits are greater
            // than required set bits in this case
            // we have to convert some 1's into 0's
            else if (set_bit_count > K && (set_bit_count - one) <= K) {
                let new_ans = X;
                // Remaining number of 1's we
                // still required
                rem = K - (set_bit_count - one);
                for (let j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
                    if (rem > 0 && (new_ans & (1 << j)) !== 0) {
                    } else {
                        if ((new_ans & (1 << j)) !== 0)
                            new_ans -= (1 << j);
                // Storing the maximum value in answer
                ans = Math.max(ans, new_ans);
        } else {
            // If current bit is not set i.e. '0'
            // is in that place
    return ans;
// Driver code
// First Test Case
let X = 8,
    K = 2;
console.log(greatestKBits(X, K));
// Second Test Case
X = 9;
K = 4;
console.log(greatestKBits(X, K));
// This code is contributed by ragul21



Time Complexity: O(Log(N))
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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