Large number arithmetic using doubly linked list

Given two very large numbers in form of strings. Your task is to apply different arithmetic operations on these strings. 

Prerequisite : Doubly Linked List. Examples:

Input : 
m : 123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789
n : 456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789
Output :
Product : 563937184884934839205932493526930147847927802168925...
Sum : 123913578246913578246913578246913578246913578246913578
Difference : 123000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Quotient : 270
Remainder(%) : 123725790123725790123725790123725790123725790123759

Input :
m : 55
n : 2
Output :
Product : 110
Sum : 57
Difference : 53
Quotient : 27
Remainder(%) : 1

Approach : Split the number into digits in a doubly linked list. Using basic addition principles that goes digit by digit, with a carry are implemented in add and subtract functions. These functions are now used to carry out multiplication and division operations using the basic approach of multiplying last digit to all and then shifting and adding or finding the closest large multiple to divisor to divide the dividend. Finally the results are displayed using the display function. 

Below is the implementation of above approach : 


// CPP problem to illustrate arithmetic operations of
// very large numbers using Doubly Linked List
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of Double Linked List
struct node {
    // To store a single digit
    int data;
    // Pointers to the previous and next digit
    struct node* next;
    struct node* prev;
// To initialize the structure with a single digit
node::node(int val)
    data = val;
    next = prev = NULL;
class HugeInt {
    // To insert a digit in front
    void insertInFront(int);
    // To insert a digit at the end
    void insertInEnd(int);
    // To display the large number
    void display();
    int length();
    void add(HugeInt*, HugeInt*);
    void mul(HugeInt*, HugeInt*);
    void dif(HugeInt*, HugeInt*);
    void quo(HugeInt*, HugeInt*);
    int cmp(HugeInt*, HugeInt*);
    node* head;
    node* tail;
    int size;
// Constructor of the Class
    head = tail = NULL;
    size = 0;
// To insert at the beginning of the list
void HugeInt::insertInFront(int value)
    node* temp = new node(value);
    if (head == NULL)
        head = tail = temp;
    else {
        head->prev = temp;
        temp->next = head;
        head = temp;
// To insert in the end
void HugeInt::insertInEnd(int value)
    node* temp = new node(value);
    if (tail == NULL)
        head = tail = temp;
    else {
        tail->next = temp;
        temp->prev = tail;
        tail = temp;
To display the number can be 
modified to remove leading zeros*/
void HugeInt::display()
    node* temp = head;
    while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << temp->data;
        temp = temp->next;
// Returns the number of digits
int HugeInt::length()
    return size;
Uses simple addition method that we 
follow using carry*/
void HugeInt::add(HugeInt* a, HugeInt* b)
    int c = 0, s;
    HugeInt* a1 = new HugeInt(*a);
    HugeInt* b1 = new HugeInt(*b);
    // default copy constructor
    // Copy Constructor - used to copy objects
    this->head = NULL;
    this->tail = NULL;
    this->size = 0;
    while (a1->tail != NULL || b1->tail != NULL) {
        if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail != NULL) {
            s = ((a1->tail->data) + (b1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((a1->tail->data) + (b1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail == NULL && b1->tail != NULL) {
            s = ((b1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((b1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail == NULL) {
            s = ((a1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((a1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
        // Inserting the sum digit
    // Inserting last carry
    if (c != 0)
// Normal subtraction is done by borrowing
void HugeInt::dif(HugeInt* a, HugeInt* b)
    int c = 0, s;
    HugeInt* a1 = new HugeInt(*a);
    HugeInt* b1 = new HugeInt(*b);
    this->head = NULL;
    this->tail = NULL;
    this->size = 0;
    while (a1->tail != NULL || b1->tail != NULL) {
        if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail != NULL) {
            if ((a1->tail->data) + c >= (b1->tail->data)) {
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c - (b1->tail->data));
                c = 0;
            else {
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c + 10 - (b1->tail->data));
                c = -1;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail == NULL) {
            if (a1->tail->data >= 1) {
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c);
                c = 0;
            else {
                if (c != 0) {
                    s = ((a1->tail->data) + 10 + c);
                    c = -1;
                    s = a1->tail->data;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
// This compares the two numbers and returns 
// true or 1 when a is greater
int HugeInt::cmp(HugeInt* a, HugeInt* b)
    if (a->size != b->size)
        return ((a->size > b->size) ? 1 : 0);
    else {
        HugeInt* a1 = new HugeInt(*a);
        HugeInt* b1 = new HugeInt(*b);
        while (a1->head != NULL && b1->head != NULL) {
            if (a1->head->data > b1->head->data)
                return 1;
            else if (a1->head->data < b1->head->data)
                return 0;
            else {
                a1->head = a1->head->next;
                b1->head = b1->head->next;
        return 2;
// Returns the quotient using Normal Division
// Multiplication is used to find what factor 
// is to be multiplied
void HugeInt::quo(HugeInt* a, HugeInt* b)
    HugeInt* a1 = new HugeInt(*a);
    HugeInt* b1 = new HugeInt(*b);
    HugeInt* ex = new HugeInt();
    HugeInt* mp = new HugeInt();
    HugeInt* pr = new HugeInt();
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < b1->size; i++) {
        a1->head = a1->head->next;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        HugeInt* b2 = new HugeInt(*b);
        pr->mul(b2, mp);
        if (!cmp(ex, pr))
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
    pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
    mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    mp->insertInEnd(i - 1);
    pr->mul(b1, mp);
    ex->dif(ex, pr);
    insertInEnd(i - 1);
    mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
    pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
    mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    while (a1->head != NULL) {
        while (ex->head->data == 0) {
            ex->head = ex->head->next;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            HugeInt* b2 = new HugeInt(*b);
            pr->mul(b2, mp);
            if (!cmp(ex, pr))
            mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
            pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
            mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        mp->insertInEnd(i - 1);
        pr->mul(b1, mp);
        ex->dif(ex, pr);
        insertInEnd(i - 1);
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        a1->head = a1->head->next;
    cout << endl
        << "\nModulus :" << endl;
// Normal multiplication is used i.e. in one to all way
void HugeInt::mul(HugeInt* a, HugeInt* b)
    int k = 0, i;
    HugeInt* tpro = new HugeInt();
    while (b->tail != NULL) {
        int c = 0, s = 0;
        HugeInt* temp = new HugeInt(*a);
        HugeInt* pro = new HugeInt();
        while (temp->tail != NULL) {
            s = ((temp->tail->data) * (b->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((temp->tail->data) * (b->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            temp->tail = temp->tail->prev;
        if (c != 0)
        for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        add(this, pro);
        b->tail = b->tail->prev;
        pro->head = pro->tail = NULL;
        pro->size = 0;
// CPP problem to illustrate arithmetic operations of
// very large numbers using Doubly Linked List
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of Double Linked List
struct Node
    // To store a single digit
    int data;
    // Pointers to the previous and next digit
    struct Node* next;
    struct Node* prev;
// To initialize the structure with a single digit
Node::Node(int val)
    data = val;
    next = prev = NULL;
class HugeIntLL
    // To insert a digit in front
    void insertInFront(int);
    // To insert a digit at the end
    void insertInEnd(int);
    // To display the large number
    void display();
    int length();
    void add(HugeIntLL*, HugeIntLL*);
    void mul(HugeIntLL*, HugeIntLL*);
    void dif(HugeIntLL*, HugeIntLL*);
    void quo(HugeIntLL*, HugeIntLL*);
    int cmp(HugeIntLL*, HugeIntLL*);
    Node* head;
    Node* tail;
    int size;
// Constructor of the Class
    head = tail = NULL;
    size = 0;
// To insert at the beginning of the list
void HugeIntLL::insertInFront(int value)
    Node* temp = new Node(value);
    if (head == NULL)
        head = tail = temp;
        head->prev = temp;
        temp->next = head;
        head = temp;
// To insert in the end
void HugeIntLL::insertInEnd(int value)
    Node* temp = new Node(value);
    if (tail == NULL)
        head = tail = temp;
        tail->next = temp;
        temp->prev = tail;
        tail = temp;
To display the number can be
modified to remove leading zeros*/
void HugeIntLL::display()
    Node* temp = head;
    while (temp != NULL)
        cout << temp->data;
        temp = temp->next;
// Returns the number of digits
int HugeIntLL::length()
    return size;
/* Uses simple addition method that we
   follow using carry*/
void HugeIntLL::add(HugeIntLL* a, HugeIntLL* b)
    int c = 0, s;
    HugeIntLL* a1 = new HugeIntLL(*a);
    HugeIntLL* b1 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
    // default copy constructor
    // Copy Constructor - used to copy objects
    this->head = NULL;
    this->tail = NULL;
    this->size = 0;
    while (a1->tail != NULL || b1->tail != NULL)
        if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail != NULL)
            s = ((a1->tail->data) + (b1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((a1->tail->data) + (b1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail == NULL && b1->tail != NULL)
            s = ((b1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((b1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail == NULL)
            s = ((a1->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((a1->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
        // Inserting the sum digit
    // Inserting last carry
    if (c != 0)
// Normal subtraction is done by borrowing
void HugeIntLL::dif(HugeIntLL* a, HugeIntLL* b)
    int c = 0, s;
    HugeIntLL* a1 = new HugeIntLL(*a);
    HugeIntLL* b1 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
    this->head = NULL;
    this->tail = NULL;
    this->size = 0;
    while (a1->tail != NULL || b1->tail != NULL)
        if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail != NULL)
            if ((a1->tail->data) + c >= (b1->tail->data))
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c - (b1->tail->data));
                c = 0;
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c + 10 - (b1->tail->data));
                c = -1;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
            b1->tail = b1->tail->prev;
        else if (a1->tail != NULL && b1->tail == NULL)
            if (a1->tail->data >= 1)
                s = ((a1->tail->data) + c);
                c = 0;
                if (c != 0)
                    s = ((a1->tail->data) + 10 + c);
                    c = -1;
                    s = a1->tail->data;
            a1->tail = a1->tail->prev;
// This compares the two numbers and returns
// true or 1 when a is greater
int HugeIntLL::cmp(HugeIntLL* a, HugeIntLL* b)
    if (a->size != b->size)
        return ((a->size > b->size) ? 1 : 0);
    HugeIntLL* a1 = new HugeIntLL(*a);
    HugeIntLL* b1 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
    while (a1->head != NULL && b1->head != NULL)
        if (a1->head->data > b1->head->data)
            return 1;
        else if (a1->head->data < b1->head->data)
            return 0;
            a1->head = a1->head->next;
            b1->head = b1->head->next;
    return 2;
// Returns the quotient using Normal Division
// Multiplication is used to find what factor
// is to be multiplied
void HugeIntLL::quo(HugeIntLL* a, HugeIntLL* b)
    HugeIntLL* a1 = new HugeIntLL(*a);
    HugeIntLL* b1 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
    HugeIntLL* ex = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* mp = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* pr = new HugeIntLL();
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < b1->size; i++)
        a1->head = a1->head->next;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        HugeIntLL* b2 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
        pr->mul(b2, mp);
        if (!cmp(ex, pr))
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
    pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
    mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    mp->insertInEnd(i - 1);
    pr->mul(b1, mp);
    ex->dif(ex, pr);
    insertInEnd(i - 1);
    mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
    pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
    mp->size = pr->size = 0;
    while (a1->head != NULL)
        while (ex->head->data == 0)
            ex->head = ex->head->next;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            HugeIntLL* b2 = new HugeIntLL(*b);
            pr->mul(b2, mp);
            if (!cmp(ex, pr))
            mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
            pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
            mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        mp->insertInEnd(i - 1);
        pr->mul(b1, mp);
        ex->dif(ex, pr);
        insertInEnd(i - 1);
        mp->head = mp->tail = NULL;
        pr->head = pr->tail = NULL;
        mp->size = pr->size = 0;
        a1->head = a1->head->next;
    cout << endl
         << "\nModulus :" << endl;
// Normal multiplication is used i.e. in one to all way
void HugeIntLL::mul(HugeIntLL* a, HugeIntLL* b)
    int k = 0, i;
    HugeIntLL* tpro = new HugeIntLL();
    while (b->tail != NULL)
        int c = 0, s = 0;
        HugeIntLL* temp = new HugeIntLL(*a);
        HugeIntLL* pro = new HugeIntLL();
        while (temp->tail != NULL)
            s = ((temp->tail->data) * (b->tail->data) + c) % 10;
            c = ((temp->tail->data) * (b->tail->data) + c) / 10;
            temp->tail = temp->tail->prev;
        if (c != 0)
        for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        add(this, pro);
        b->tail = b->tail->prev;
        pro->head = pro->tail = NULL;
        pro->size = 0;
// Driver code
int main()
    HugeIntLL* m = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* n = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* s = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* p = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* d = new HugeIntLL();
    HugeIntLL* q = new HugeIntLL();
    string s1 = "12345678912345678912345678"
    string s2 = "45678913456789123456789123456"
    for (int i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
        m->insertInEnd( - '0');
    for (int i = 0; i < s2.length(); i++)
        n->insertInEnd( - '0');
    // Creating copies of m and n
    HugeIntLL* m1 = new HugeIntLL(*m);
    HugeIntLL* n1 = new HugeIntLL(*n);
    HugeIntLL* m2 = new HugeIntLL(*m);
    HugeIntLL* n2 = new HugeIntLL(*n);
    HugeIntLL* m3 = new HugeIntLL(*m);
    HugeIntLL* n3 = new HugeIntLL(*n);
    cout << "Product :" << endl;
    s->mul(m, n);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Sum :" << endl;
    p->add(m1, n1);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Difference (m-n) : m>n:" << endl;
    d->dif(m2, n2);
    q->quo(m3, n3);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Quotient :" << endl;
    return 0;


Product :
Sum :
Difference (m-n) : m>n:

Modulus :
Quotient :

Time Complexity : O(N), where N is the size of string.

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