Ksolves Interview Experience for SDE

Hello everyone, I recently had the opportunity to participate in my college placement drive, and I’d like to share my experience with you. The interview process consisted of four rounds: Aptitude and Coding MCQs, Coding round, Technical Interview and HR Interview.

Round 1: Aptitude and Coding MCQs

In the first round, I faced a mixture of aptitude questions and coding MCQs. Fortunately, I was able to clear this round, which allowed me to move on to the next round.

Round 2: Coding Round

In this round, I got 3 questions and had to perform on lab computers on offline compilers. I was given “Wave-Like array, Missing number in an array, Roman to Integers”. Everyone had to solve a minimum of 2 questions. HR was coming to every student to check it himself. Fortunately, I solved all 3 questions and got moved to the next round.

Round 3: Technical Interview

I was interviewed by a friendly and supportive interviewer. He started by asking about my preferred coding languages, to which I mentioned C and C++. The questions in this round were primarily based on my CV. All the questions were from my CV like what I did on projects. Then they asked me about OOP concepts and gave me to write the code for inheritance and polymorphism. Later they asked me about some DSA concepts and a question on string manipulation.

Fortunately, I was able to clear this round, which allowed me to move on to the next and final round.

Round 4: HR Interview

The final round was the HR interview. The HR interviewer started by asking me about my technical skills and some reasoning questions. Another question was “Check if the string is palindrome”. It was pretty easy, then the other interviewer asked

  • Why do I want to join ksolves?
  • Will you be able to come on weekends also?
  • Can you do overtime?
  • Can you switch to any other languages like PHP or Python?

I tried my best and gave the best answer I had. Unfortunately, I failed this round and got disqualified.

In conclusion, my college placement drive interview experience was educational and enriching. I appreciate the support and guidance I received from the technical interviewer and the challenging questions posed by the HR interviewer. I look forward to using this experience to improve my skills and perform better in future interviews.

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