KPMG Digital Enablement Oracle Interview Experience

KPMG came to our campus on 28th July 2021 looking for students for three profiles. Digital Enablement Oracle, Digital Enablement Microsoft, and Digital Trust. This article is about Digital Enablement Oracle. The other two profiles were non-coding. 

Round 1(Online Test): 60 mins MCQ test with questions on aptitude and some basic networking questions as well as data structures questions. A 15 mins psychometric test after this. And lastly a coding round of 30 mins. 

  • In the coding round we were not asked to run the code but to only write the code in a plain text editor. There were 5 coding questions of basic level. 
  • First two questions were pattern printing. The third question was a removing duplicates from array. The fourth question was related to arrays, it was something basic. anyone with a minimum practice from w3wiki could easily solve all of these. I don’t remember the fifth question.
  • After this round the results were declared on 5th August. Out of almost about 430 students, 50 were shortlisted for Digital Enablement Oracle profile.

Round 2(Group Discussion):

  • The next round was a group discussion round. We were given a topic and we were asked to discuss it. Our topic was “Impact of Covid 19 on global economy”. Good communication skills was taken note of.
  • Results were declared the same day. About 25 students qualified. 
  • The next technical interview was scheduled the same day.

Round 3(Technical Interview): This was a technical interview, and I was interviewed by a software engineer of the company. She introduced herself and asked me to “tell her about myself”. After the brief introduction she started coding questions. We had to write our code in the hirepro platform. 

  • First question was a basic pattern question. Very Basic. We had to print the pattern-
            *     *
         *     *      *
            *      *

    here the maximum number is entered by the user.

  • Second question was about printing the largest palindromic substring from a user-entered string. I gave an O(n^3) solution and later I was asked to optimize the code to O(n^2). She was satisfied with the solution and asked me to explain the code and run it on some test cases. It Passed all test cases.
  • The Third question was about sorting techniques, why heapsort is used, how is it better than mergesort and asked me to write the code for any one of them. I wrote the code for heapsort.
  • After this, she started asking me OOPS concept. Inheritance, Encapsulation, method overloading, and method overriding. And kept giving examples about where all this would fail, and I was asked whether she told correctly. Some questions were, can the static method be inherited, can a java function have two main methods etc.
  • After this, she looked into my resume and as I had mentioned DBMS and SQL in it, she started asking me questions about joins, acid properties, and then I was given a problem and told to write an SQL query. The problem was something like this- Write a query to find the names of all students who are studying in a department along with department id. The name of students who are not currently in a department should also be displayed. I solved this using left outer join and she was satisfied.
  • After this she said, okay I am done with questions, do you have any questions for me?. I asked her a question about what initial training I would go under and she answered me and the interview ended.

Round 4: The results of the previous round were declared the same night and this interview was scheduled the next day.

  • This Interview was taken by the technical director. He gave me a brief introduction and asked me to introduce myself. After this, he directly started asking me about my projects that I mentioned in my resume. There was a long 20 mins discussion about a project where i had used database. He told me to describe my project, methods used. He then gave me cases where my project would fail and asked me to come up with a solution for those cases. He was checking my concepts.
  • After this, he asked me to rate myself on a language of my choice. I selected Java and rated myself 8/10. He asked me what language i used first when i started coding. I told C. He asked me why I switched to JAVA. 
  • After this it became more of a casual conversation. He told me about the role, what would i be working on etc.
  • At last he asked me whether I had any questions for him. I asked two relevant questions and then he said, “We Will See You Soon” and left the meeting giving me hope.

And on 7th August, I got a message from Training and Placement Department that I had been selected for the profile of Digital Enablement Oracle.

I was really happy and I suggest everyone should read interview experiences from w3wiki as it really gives you an idea about the questions you can face in an interview.

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