KNIT Sultanpur Campus Experience

Established under the visionary guidance of the Kamla Nehru Memorial Trust in 1976, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur embarked on a transformative journey that has left an indelible mark on the educational landscape of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. What began as the Faculty of Technology soon evolved into a beacon of engineering education excellence that it is today.

In 1979, a significant turning point occurred when the Uttar Pradesh Government assumed responsibility for the institute’s growth, with a specific focus on nurturing a comprehensive engineering institution in the Awadh region. This marked the beginning of a series of strategic steps that would shape KNIT into a dynamic hub of technical education.

In 1983, a milestone was achieved as KNIT transitioned into an autonomous entity, registering itself as a separate society and adopting the name Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology. This transformation solidified its commitment to innovation, academic prowess, and holistic development.

Throughout its evolution, KNIT has consistently demonstrated its dedication to producing engineers who stand shoulder to shoulder with the best in the world. The institute’s curriculum, teaching methodologies, and industry-oriented approach have contributed to the creation of a talent pool renowned for its skill sets and adaptability.

KNIT’s impact goes beyond its academic programs. With a deep sense of social responsibility, the institute extends its expertise to the industry through testing and consultancy services. This symbiotic relationship not only enriches the learning experience for students but also provides valuable insights to neighboring industries and agencies, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth.

At present, KNIT proudly stands as an autonomous college under the aegis of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (formerly known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University), Lucknow. This affiliation underscores the institute’s commitment to academic autonomy, innovation, and aligning with the highest standards of technical education.

As KNIT Sultanpur continues to inspire and transform, it remains an exemplar of how a dedicated vision, strategic evolution, and unwavering commitment can mold an institution into a powerhouse of knowledge and innovation. With an eye on the future and a heart rooted in its rich history, KNIT strides ahead, shaping engineers and leaders who are ready to conquer the challenges of our ever-evolving world.

#####Hostel Life at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur#####


Stepping into the realm of higher education is not just about books and classrooms; it’s also a journey into independence, self-discovery, and camaraderie. For many students at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur, this journey finds its most memorable moments within the campus hostels – vibrant hubs that provide more than just accommodation.

Vikram Sarabhai Hostel and BHABHA hostel – Where Bonds Begin:(BOYS HOSTEL)

in this hostel first year boys lived, when I came in first year ,I’m Very excited for exploring the hostel but it is not completed for me ,due to reason of senior.

As you enter Vikram Sarabhai Hostel, you’re welcomed by an jungle ,tree and mittee. The corridors echo with the laughter and conversations of 750 budding engineers, all hailing from different corners of the state uttar_pradesh. From late-night study sessions to impromptu game nights, Vikram Sarabhai Hostel is where friendships are forged. The hostel mess becomes more than just a place to eat; it becomes a hub of stories, debates, and shared experiences.

New VS Hostel – A Space of Exploration:(BOYS HOSTEL)

The New VS Hostel is more than just a place to rest your head; it’s a space that fosters curiosity and exploration. Within its walls, students from diverse disciplines interact, share ideas, and support each other’s academic endeavors. The under-construction boys’ hostel, with a capacity of 100 seats, symbolizes growth, paralleling the students’ own journey of development.

Old VS Hostel – A Tapestry of Memories:(BOYS HOSTEL)

Old VS Hostel stands as a testament to the institute’s heritage. Its walls have seen generations of students pass through, leaving behind a tapestry of memories and experiences. As seniors share anecdotes and advice, freshmen find solace in knowing they’re part of a larger legacy.

Kalam Hostel – Nurturing Dreams:(BOYS HOSTEL)

Named after the visionary Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, this hostel is a reminder of aspirations and dreams. Within its walls, students strive not just for academic excellence, but also to emulate the values and principles set forth by the late President. Kalam Hostel is a space where innovation and dedication intersect, shaping engineers who will make a difference.

Ramanujam Hostel – Celebrating Excellence:(BOYS HOSTEL)

The Ramanujam Hostel celebrates the brilliance of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the mathematical prodigy. Within these halls, 240 students push their limits, explore new horizons, and delve into their passion for knowledge. The hostel environment encourages holistic development, reminding students that excellence goes beyond academics.

Matreyee Hostel – Empowering Women:(GIRLS HOSTEL)

This girls’ hostel also accommodates Ph.D. female students and some faculty members. Matreyee Hostel stands as a symbol of empowerment and progress, providing a safe and nurturing environment for the institute’s women students, including those pursuing their Ph.D. studies. It’s more than just a place to stay; it’s a community that uplifts and supports each other, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared growth. With the upcoming expansion, a 240-seat capacity Girls’ Hostel is set to commence early next year, further enhancing the accommodation facilities and fostering a culture of empowerment and achievement among all its residents.

From sharing midnight snacks during exam season to celebrating festivals from different corners of the country, the campus hostels at KNIT Sultanpur encapsulate the essence of the institute’s vibrant community. These are spaces where friendships are solidified, lessons are learned beyond the classroom, and memories are created that last a lifetime. Hostel life isn’t just a part of the college experience; it’s an integral chapter in the story of each student’s journey.

Health care in Sultanpur:

In our college, there is only one patient room available, which may occasionally be unavailable. However, Sultanpur is fortunate to have the District Hospital, Sultanpur, which serves the medical needs of the local community.

The institute maintains a Health Center that offers primary healthcare services to both students and staff. The center is staffed by a full-time Medical Officer (M.O.) and pharmacists. While the Health Center can address general medical concerns, cases that demand specialized treatment are appropriately directed to the District Hospital in Sultanpur. This ensures that individuals with more complex medical requirements receive the necessary attention and care they need.

Department of our collage :

there are 6 department in my collage for Bachelor of Technology .

  • Department of computer science and engineering
  • Department of electronics engineering
  • Department of electrical engineering
  • Department of mechanical engineering
  • Department of information technology
  • department of civil engineering

There are computer science and engineering department in my collage for master of Technology .


in my college there are many club organized per year

  • Photography And FineArts CluB
  • Training and placement cell (

the placement journey of Kamla Nehru Institute of technology

  • tech company:
  • TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
  • Adobe
  • Infosys
  • GlobalLogic
  • Samsung

and many more companies coming per year but this year for batch (2022-23) Oracle on holding

Striking a harmonious chord between academic excellence and a vibrant extracurricular scene is a defining trait of student life at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur. Beyond the classroom, KNIT Sultanpur shapes well-rounded individuals who can excel both intellectually and holistically.

At the core of the KNIT experience lies a rigorous academic curriculum. KNIT Sultanpur’s reputation for providing high-quality education is founded on its faculty’s expertise and the diverse range of disciplines it offers. Faculty members guide students through comprehensive learning, fostering analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a genuine passion for learning.

However, the KNIT journey doesn’t stop at textbooks. Extracurricular activities form a pivotal part of the institute’s ethos, driving personal growth and character development. Beyond the rigors of academia, students have access to a plethora of avenues that cater to their varied interests.

Student organizations serve as nurturing grounds for leadership and community engagement. These platforms allow individuals to collaborate, innovate, and execute projects that hold real-world significance. From technical clubs to cultural societies, students develop skills that complement their academic learning while honing their ability to work in teams and tackle real-world challenges.

Sports, a vital component of student life, promote physical well-being and teamwork. KNIT’s cutting-edge sports facilities foster a culture of healthy competition and sportsmanship, as students participate in intercollegiate tournaments and refine their skills while imbibing values of discipline and collaboration.

Cultural events infuse vibrancy into campus life. Through annual fests and workshops, students unleash their creative potential and engage in artistic expression. These events also serve as platforms for intellectual debates, artistic performances, and the celebration of diverse cultures, expanding students’ horizons and nurturing global perspectives.

In essence, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur understands that a comprehensive education entails more than just academic prowess. By seamlessly blending academia with extracurricular pursuits, the institute produces graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also possess a versatile skill set and a well-rounded personality. This holistic approach ensures KNIT graduates are equipped to excel in their careers and lead fulfilling lives, empowered by their academic achievements and enriched by their diverse experiences.

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