KLA Interview Experience for Software Engineer (On-Campus)

The whole process consists of two rounds:

Round 1 [Online Test]:-


In the online test, there were two questions:-



Duration: 90min

I did both questions correctly

In our batch approx 15 students were called for the next round and i was in one of them and some students tried both the questions but unable to pass all test cases[for both questions] even then they were called for next round because there approach were right .

Round 2 [Hackathon]:-

Duration: 10hour

In hackathon they were given a real problem related to image in which we have given large files of images and we have to find unsual things present in image. and return the position of image in csv file. The amount of data were really very huge.

unfortunately i was unable to complete the whole task.

It was a good kind of hackathon I learnt many new things and there were some mentors allocated to all students they all were very kind and supportive and they were guiding us to reach to our solution. Overall it was such a great experience.

Happy to share my experience with you guys I hope it will be helpful to you.


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