KIIT University Campus Experience

Entering KIIT University during the peak of the pandemic was a rollercoaster of emotions. Everything was online, from classes to making friends. It felt strange at first, but soon enough, virtual connections blossomed into genuine friendships. Late-night study sessions over Zoom, endless chats on WhatsApp groups, and even virtual game nights became our new normal.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, came the news: we could finally return to campus. The excitement was palpable. I couldn’t wait to meet my online buddies in person, imagining our virtual camaraderie seamlessly transitioning into the real world.

But reality had other plans. Stepping onto the physical campus, I realized things were different. The dynamics that thrived online didn’t always translate offline. New faces, new routines, and new cliques formed. It was like starting over in a familiar yet unfamiliar place.

Surprisingly, though, offline life at KIIT was enchanting. From bustling cafeterias to impromptu study groups in the library, every moment was brimming with energy. I found myself making new friends, sharing laughs, and creating memories that I knew would last a lifetime.

Nine months flew by in a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and unforgettable experiences. Just as I felt like I was truly settling in, the unthinkable happened. A notice from the university shattered our newfound sense of belonging. Fourth-year students were asked to pack their bags, with no time for proper goodbyes.

It felt like a punch to the gut. Suddenly, the future we had envisioned was cut short. Tearful farewells were rushed, hugs were brief, and promises to stay in touch felt hollow in the face of abrupt separation.

Leaving KIIT was bittersweet. I cherished the memories, the friendships, and the growth that came with them. Yet, there was an undeniable pang of longing for more time. More time to laugh, to learn, and to savour every moment.

As I walked away from the campus, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing remained clear: the bonds forged at KIIT, whether online or offline, were resilient. And no matter where life takes us, those connections will always hold a special place in our hearts.

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