Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu | Set – 1

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When we work, we usually don’t want to open too many terminal windows. Instead, we prefer to have tabs opened in the same terminal window. Good enough, right? When you have so many terminal windows open, switching to another window becomes a very hectic task!! 
This post covers as many as possible shortcuts that many well-experienced developers use to work faster on the terminal. As you know, when we are using Ubuntu, we usually use the terminal for most of the tasks as it reduces many manual tasks. If we consider a simple example of installing software on Windows OS, we have to click next, next and so on. On ubuntu, this is the task of a single command. Below are some of the most important keyboard shortcuts used while working on Ubuntu: 

1. Ctrl + Shift + N => New terminal window 
This shortcut can be used to open a new terminal window. For this to work, you should already be on the terminal window. 

2. Ctrl + Shift + T => New terminal tab 
If you use above combination, you can open terminal tab on same window. 

3. Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Z => Kill the current process 
If you are running any application through the terminal, you can kill it by using the above combination. 

4. Ctrl + R => Reverse search 
If you are working in the IT industry or you are a college student, many times the same command repeats. To search previously entered command, we can use above combination. 

5. Ctrl + U => Delete line 
This shortcut will delete the whole line before the cursor. 

6. Ctrl + W => Delete the word 
This shortcut will delete the whole word before the cursor. 

7. Ctrl + K => Delete the word 
This shortcut will delete the whole line after the cursor. 

8. Ctrl + Y => Undo erased content 
If you have mistakenly deleted some content using Ctrl + U, Ctrl + W or Ctrl + K and now you want to undo the change. You can do so by using the above combination. 

9. Ctrl + L => Clear console 
This is similar to clear command used to clear the console. 

10. Ctrl + Shift + C => Copy 
This shortcut is used to copy the selected content. 

11. Ctrl + Shift + V => Paste the content from the clipboard 
This shortcut is used to paste the content copied in the clipboard. 

12. Alt + F => Move forward 
This combination is used to move one word forward. Alternatively, we can use the Ctrl + right arrow to do so. 

13. Alt + B => Move one word backward 
This combination is used to move one word backward. Alternatively, we can use the Ctrl + left arrow to do so. 

14. Arrow Up / Down => Browse commands 
To go through the previously executed commands, we can use up or down arrow keys. 

15. Alt + D => Delete line 
This is similar to the Ctrl + U, except it removes line after cursor. 

16. Shift + PgUp/PgDn => Scroll through console 
We can use the above combination to scroll up or scroll down through the console. 

17. Ctrl + PgUp => Switch to left tab 
We have seen we can use the Ctrl + Shift + T to open a new terminal tab. To move to the left tab, we can use the above shortcut. 

18. Ctrl + PgDn => Switch to right tab 
Similarly, we can use above shortcut to move to right tab. 

19. Ctrl + Shift + PgUp => Move current tab to left 
We can use the above shortcut to move the current tab to left. 

20. Ctrl + Shift + PgDn => Move current tab to right 
We can use the above shortcut to move the current tab to right. 

21. Ctrl + D => Close terminal 
This combination is used to close the current tab. If there is only one tab, it’ll close the terminal window. 

22. Ctrl + P => Previous executed command 
We can go through the previously executed sequence of commands using the above shortcut. 

23. Ctrl + N => Next executed command 
We can go through the next executed sequence of commands using the above shortcut. 

24. Ctrl + J => Enter 

25. Ctrl + Alt + T => Open terminal 

26. Ctrl + Shift + Q => Close all 
This will close all tabs on the current terminal window. This will not close the other open terminal windows. 

27. Super + RowUp => Maximize 
This is used to maximize the terminal window. 

28. Super + RowDown => Minimize 
This is used to minimize the terminal window. 

29. Ctrl + Shift + F => Find 
Similar to Ctrl + F on any text editor, we can use the above shortcut to find through the terminal console. 

30. Alt + C => Capitalizes the word next to the cursor and move to end of the word 
For Example: Suppose a word hangout and cursor is before hangout, the above shortcut will capitalize ‘h’ of hangout and go to the end of the word. 

31. Use of Tab => To get suggestions 
We can enter a partial initial command such as MySQL, and we’ll get a list of the commands that start with MySQL. 


Also Read:

Also, Explore our Comprehensive Guide to Computer Shortcut Keys. where we cover a wide range of shortcuts, including Windows, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Gmail, YouTube, and more.

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