Kernel Trick in Support Vector Classification

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have proven to be a powerful and versatile tool for classification tasks. A key component that significantly enhances the capabilities of SVMs, particularly in dealing with non-linear data, is the Kernel Trick. This article delves into the intricacies of the Kernel Trick, its motivation, implementation, and practical applications.

Table of Content

  • Linear vs Non-Linear Problems
  • Concept of Feature Mapping
  • What is the Kernel Trick?
  • How Does the Kernel Trick Work?
  • Conclusion

Linear vs Non-Linear Problems

For linearly separable data, finding this hyperplane is straightforward. However, many real-world problems are non-linear, meaning that no linear separation can perfectly divide the classes. This is where the kernel trick comes into play.

Concept of Feature Mapping

To deal with non-linear data, one approach could be to map the input data into a higher-dimensional space where it is linearly separable. This mapping involves transforming the data into a new space (feature space) where the separation between the data points is clearer.

For example, consider a set of data points that are not linearly separable in two dimensions. By mapping these points into a three-dimensional space, we might find that they can be separated by a plane in this higher-dimensional space.

What is the Kernel Trick?

The kernel trick is a method used in SVMs to enable them to classify non-linear data using a linear classifier. By applying a kernel function, SVMs can implicitly map input data into a higher-dimensional space where a linear separator (hyperplane) can be used to divide the classes. This mapping is computationally efficient because it avoids the direct calculation of the coordinates in this higher space.

Types of Kernel Functions

Several kernel functions can be used, each suited to different types of data distributions:

  • Linear Kernel: No mapping is needed as the data is already assumed to be linearly separable.
  • Polynomial Kernel: Maps inputs into a polynomial feature space, enhancing the classifier’s ability to capture interactions between features.
  • Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel: Also known as the Gaussian kernel, it is useful for capturing complex regions by considering the distance between points in the input space.
  • Sigmoid Kernel: Mimics the behavior of neural networks by using a sigmoid function as the kernel.

How Does the Kernel Trick Work?

The kernel trick relies on the inner products of vectors. For SVMs, the decision function is based on the dot products of vectors within the input space. Kernel functions replace these dot products with a non-linear function that computes a dot product in a higher-dimensional space. Importantly, the computation of this dot product via the kernel function does not require explicit knowledge of the coordinates in the higher space, thus saving computational resources and time.

The kernel trick is typically expressed as:




  • x and y are two vectors in the original input space
  • \phi
    is the mapping function to the higher-dimensional space.


The Kernel Trick significantly enhances the versatility and power of Support Vector Machines, making them a robust choice for a wide range of classification tasks. By enabling the handling of non-linear data, it opens up new possibilities for SVM applications across various domains. As computational techniques and resources advance, the use of kernelized SVMs is likely to become even more prevalent and impactful in solving complex real-world problems.

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