Keras vs Tensorflow vs Pytorch

One of the key roles played by deep learning frameworks for the implementations of the machine learning models is the constructing and deploying of the models. They are the components that empower the artificial intelligence systems in terms of learning, the memory establishment and also implementation. In this article, we’ll see three prominent deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch and also Keras are founded by Google, Facebook, and also Python respectively and they are quite widely used among the researchers and also the practitioners. In general, frameworks like these are created very differently and are a lot stronger and weaker in different areas, making them very powerful tools for many machine learning projects.


Keras is a high-level deep learning API meant to be very user-friendly and so that the code would also be very interchangeable among the different systems. It was born within the group of the projects referred to as the TensorFlow but can also work in the conjunction with the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK). It was built in expectation to feedback and to iterate so quickly that as the new approaches to the solving deep learning problems emerge. On the one hand, Keras is simple and easy-to-use for everyone including non-professionals, but it serves also the experienced people providing the sufficient tools for them on the other hand. Its building blocks architecture is much like Legos, it is not only customizable but also could be extended.

Key Features:

  • Keras provides a usual interface which is utilized for the creating the neural networks. Therefore, both beginners and also the experienced developers may conveniently start a project.
  • It is based on the principle of modularity, which makes adding and updating the features much more simple and also convenient.
  • Modular codes in Keras make it a very easy-to-use neural network library of TensorFlow especially when they are used in the prototyping.


  • User friendliness, ergonomics, that even a non-experienced user can handle it.
  • Assessment by playwright. For advanced users, they can build upon the premise created by the playwright.
  • Integration cross different states like TensorFlow and also other frameworks without any difficulty.


  • They might not have the level of functionality found in TensorFlow and in PyTorch, as the latter are much more advanced.
  • The restrictedness of the upper frameworks compared to the lower ones.


TensorFlow deep learning library is developed by the Google Brain engineering team. It was open source licensed on the 2015 and has since then become very popular for its flexibility and also scalability. In essence, it is employed to roll out of the deep learning architectures. It provides the whole range of a stable of toolkits, many libraries, and also includes the community assistance. The main benefit of TensorFlow is in the accessibility advantages and being deployable on the diverse platforms like CPUs, GPUs, TPUs, and even on the mobile devices. CPU performance is due to its graph-based operations that makes them perform the many multiple calculations at the runtime as neural networks.

Key Features:

  • TensorFlow can support a very large number of toolkits and also libraries for the constructing and also deploying of the neural networks (both convolutional and also recurrent) models.
  • It can go on almost any types of the processors, like CPU, GPU and also TPU, and therefore it is very flexible.
  • TensorFlow’s operation graph forms the very efficient computation, especially to a traditional neural network.


  • Accessibility across multiple platforms.
  • Easily accessed information should draw on the strong community support and also on the extensive documentation.
  • Tested and also confirmed to be very compatible for the industrial usage via manufacturing facilities.


  • The steep learning curve, especially for those who are new to the programming.
  • Static computational graph in the dynamic graph methods may not be able to cope with the rate of changes.


Facebook’s AI Research team made PyTorch, which has gained recognition for putting the things straightforward and also flexible. It was basically launched as an Open-Source Library for the purpose of training the deep learning algorithms in 2016. It is often applauded for its simplicity and also flexibility, which serves as a very powerful tool for the engineers whenever they want to do Debug and also experiment with some of the algorithms. PyTorch provides the most convenient integration with the Python and allows the utilization of GPU acceleration. It’s imperative programming allows for much closer and also much more fluid causal relationships and thus the model building and the debugging becomes much easier.

Key Features:

  • PyTorch offers only a dynamic computation graph which is a reason for the model development being conducted very quickly and experimentation being much more dynamic.
  • Besides, it achieves a plug-in model with the python language as well as also offers GPU acceleration for the better performance.
  • The imperative programming mode in PyTorch allows to build the model more easily and also to follow up the reasoning as well.


  • This is also the category of beginners who prefer an interface that is simple to use.
  • Overlooking the needs for the changing to various purposes such as the development and researches.
  • Emerging development process during the usage of dynamic graph computation.


  • TensorFlow provides quite a lot more features than the PyTorch.
  • Therefore, PyTorch has fewer ecosystems’ channels for the deployment-ready compared to the TensorFlow ecosystem.






Performance and Speed

The constrain imposed by the moderate accomplishments with building bricks standardization.

In contrast, the graphics processing unit is optimized for running the many graph-based calculations.

Increased speed with operate the dynamic graph command is very important.

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

User-friendly interface

Steep learning curve

Simple to use, the glove provides many real-time graph relation growing.

Community and Ecosystem

Integrated ecosystem with TensorFlow

A robust community consensus and also adequate documentation concerning cybersecurity role should be provided.

The community’s expansion on the base of the research is the key.

Deployment and Production Readiness

Gliding through the transition process from the prototyping into the deployment is an assurance for the success.

Ease of use and also enlarged capabilities with the accurate tools and also also rich libraries.

Inferior to TF in terms of the availability for the deployment purposes.

How to Choose the Right Framework?

For choosing the right deep learning framework, we need to look at the project requirements. We need to look at the needs of the project such as the type of neural network we going to build and performance requirements. We also need to evaluate the learning curve of each framework based on the project. TensorFlow has a steeper learning curve compared to Keras, which is known for its user-friendly interface. PyTorch offers flexibility without sacrificing the ease of use.

We also need to look at the deployment considerations. TensorFlow is well known for its deployment capabilities across various platforms, while PyTorch may require additional considerations.


In short, Tensorflow, PyTorch and Keras are the three DL-frameworks as the leaders, and they are all good at something but also often bad. Many different aspects are given in the framework selection. They are the reflection of a project, ease of use of the tools, community engagement and also, how prepared hand deploying will be. The other is that the meaning of this tool can be used for many very instructive objectives either constructive in nature or destructive depending on the context of this application methods.

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