K-Safety in HP Vertica

When we store data into any database, we expect the data to be available at all time or in-short we need expect high availability of the data. In HP Vertica the data is stored in different nodes of the database. The data is replicated into different nodes so that even if one of the nodes goes down the data would be still available in another node. K-Safety is the measure of the fault tolerance of the system. “k” represents the number of copies of the original data that is present in the cluster of nodes.

K – SAFE 0 :
If K-safety = 0, it means that is no copy of the original data present in the nodes cluster. So, if the node containing the original data goes down the data would not be available.

K – SAFE 1 :
If K-Safety = 1, it means that there is one copy of the data the original data in some other node in the cluster. If the node containing the original data goes down then the data could be retrieved form the other node having the copy or replica of the original data.Here if we see the total number of copies of the data in the cluster then it would be 2.

Similarly if K-Safety = 2, it means 2 copies of the original data is stored. Here the total number of copies of the data in the cluster would be 3. In general if K = n, then the total number of copies of the data present in the entire node cluster would be n+1.

If the K-Safety of particular database is high then we can say that particular database has high fault tolerance or high availability of data.

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