Judiciary Chapter 6 Polity Class 11 Notes

Judiciary in India plays a significant part in maintaining the run of the show of law and guaranteeing the matchless quality of legitimate standards. Its essential work incorporates defending personal rights, settling debates unbiasedly, and avoiding the rise of absolutism inside a majority rule system.

CBSE Class 11 Polity Notes are essential for Social Science students, as Polity is a crucial sub-subject that requires properly written answers. Scoring well in Polity is just as important as other subjects.

Judiciary Chapter 6 Polity Class 11 Notes

Overview on Judiciary





Role of the Judiciary

The judiciary in India plays a significant part in maintaining the rule of law and ensuring the supremacy of legal standards. Its primary functions include safeguarding individual rights, settling disputes impartially, and preventing the emergence of dictatorship within a democracy.

Ensures justice, fairness, and adherence to the Constitution.

– Independence from other branches of government- Adherence to legal principles and due process

Autonomy of the Judiciary

The judiciary is independent of the other two organs of the state, namely the Legislature and the Executive. This independence does not imply immunity from accountability, but rather ensures that judges can perform their functions without political pressure.

Prevents interference in judicial decisions and upholds impartiality.

– Appointment process without political influence- Security of tenure- Financial independence

Appointment of Judges

Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts are appointed by the President after consultations with relevant authorities, including the Chief Justice of India and other judges. The appointment process aims to maintain the impartiality and integrity of the judiciary.

Ensures selection based on merit and legal expertise.

– Consultations with Chief Justice and other judges- Emphasis on legal qualifications and experience

Security of Tenure

Judges hold office until they reach the age of retirement, ensuring stability and continuity in the judiciary. The Constitution mandates a difficult process for the removal of judges, providing protection against arbitrary removal and safeguarding judicial independence.

Protects judges from external pressures and ensures judicial stability.

– Fixed term until retirement age- Difficult process for removal

Financial Independence

The judiciary is not financially dependent on the Executive or Legislature. Salaries and allowances of judges are not subject to government approval, ensuring financial autonomy and safeguarding against potential external influence.

Prevents financial influence on judicial decisions.

– Salaries and allowances not subject to government approval- Financial autonomy ensured by Constitution

Judicial Review

The judiciary has the power of judicial review, allowing it to examine the constitutionality of laws and government actions. This power ensures that laws and actions comply with the Constitution, protecting fundamental rights and upholding the rule of law.

Upholds the supremacy of the Constitution and protects individual rights.

– Ability to strike down unconstitutional laws- Ensures government actions comply with legal standards

Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

PIL serves as a vital mechanism for legal activism in India, allowing individuals and organizations to address issues of public interest through the courts. It has expanded the notion of rights and enabled the judiciary to intervene in matters affecting the marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society.

Enhances access to justice and enables judicial intervention in societal issues.

– Empowers individuals and organizations to approach courts- Addresses issues affecting marginalized and disadvantaged groups

The Judiciary

The vital part of the legal is to secure and run the show of law and guarantee the matchless quality of law. It shields the rights of the person, settles debate by the law, and guarantees that vote vote-based system does not provide a way for a person or gather dictatorship. To be able to do all this, the legal must be free of any political pressures.

  • The judiciary is autonomous of the other two organs of the state. i.e. Assembly and Executive.
  • The freedom of the legal does not infer assertion or nonappearance of accountability.
  • The other organs of the government ought to not meddle with the choice of the judiciary.
  • Judges must be able to perform their capacities without fear or favor.
  • The judiciary could be a portion of the majority rule political structure of the country.
  • It is subsequently responsible for the Structure, the majority rule conventions, and the Individuals of the nation.

The Indian Structure has guaranteed the autonomy of the legal through a few measures:

  • The governing body isn’t included within the handle of the arrangement of judges.
  • To be named as a judge, an individual must have encounter as a lawyer and/or must be well versed in the law.
  • The judges have a settled residency. They hold office till coming to the age of retirement.
  • In uncommon cases, judges may be removed.
  • Security of residency ensures that judges might work without fear or favor.
  • The Structure endorses a troublesome strategy for the expulsion of judges. The Structure creators accepted that a difficult procedure of expulsion would give security of office to the individuals of the judiciary.
  • The legal isn’t monetarily subordinate to either the official or legislature.
  • The Structure means that the pay rates and stipends of the judges are not subjected to the endorsement of the legislature.
  • The activities and choices of the judges are safe from individual reactions.

Powers of the Judiciary

  • The legal has the control to punish those who are found blameworthy of the scorn of the court. This specialist of the court is seen as a viable assurance to the judges from unjustifiable criticism.
  • Parliament cannot examine the conduct of the judges but when continuing to expel a judge is being carried out. This gives the legal autonomy to settle without fear of being censured.

Supreme Court of India

The Preeminent Court came into being on 28th January 1950. It is the summit court of equity in India it comprises of 1 Chief Equity and 30 other Judges. Its choices are official on all courts. It can exchange Judges of Tall Courts moreover Can move cases from any court to itself.

The Preeminent Court can exchange cases from one Tall Court to another.

Articles 124 to 147 in Portion V of the Structure bargain with the association, autonomy, purview, powers, and strategies of the Incomparable Court.

What is the Organizational Structure of the Preeminent Court?

The Preeminent Court comprises of thirty-one judges at show (one chief equity and thirty other judges). Preeminent Court (Number of Judges) Charge of 2019 has included four judges to quality. It expanded the legal quality from 31 to 34, counting the CJI. Initially, the quality of the Preeminent Court was settled at eight (one chief equity and seven other judges).

What is the method of appointment of judges?

  • The judges of the Preeminent Court are named by the President.
  • The CJI is named by the President after discussion with such judges of the Preeminent Court and tall courts as he regards necessary.
  • The other judges are named by the President after an interview with the CJI and such other judges of the Preeminent Court and the tall courts as he regards necessary.
  • The meeting with the chief equity is required in the case of the arrangement of a judge other than the Chief justice.
  • Appointment of Chief Equity From 1950 to 1973: the hone has been to name the senior-most judge of the Preeminent Court as the chief equity of India.
  • This built-up tradition was damaged in 1973 when A N Beam was named the Chief Equity of India by superseding three senior judges.
  • In 1977, M U Ask was designated as the chief equity of India by superseding the at that point senior-most judge.

This tact of the government was diminished by the Incomparable Court within the Moment Judges Case (1993), in which the Incomparable Court ruled that the senior-most judge of the Preeminent Court ought to alone be named to the office of the Chief Equity of India.

High Court

  • The Structure Gives a tall court for each state but indeed two or more states have a common court given by the parliament.
  • The tall court listens to offers from lower courts.
  • May issue writs for reestablishing Essential Rights and can bargain with cases inside the purview of the State.
  • The tall court works out superintendence and control over courts underneath it.
  • At the show, there are 24 courts in India. Meghalaya, Manipur, and Tripura are the unused Tall Courts.
  • The tall court Comprise of a chief equity and a few other judges designated by the president of India.

District Court

  • The arrangement posting and advancement of the area judges are done by the orders of the Senator of the state with the interview of the Tall Court.
  • This court bargains with cases emerging within the Area. It Considers offers on choices given by lower courts. Chooses cases including genuine criminal offenses.


  • Consider cases of respectful and criminal nature Ward of Preeminent Court.
  • A judge of the Incomparable Court can be expelled from his office by an arrangement of the President.
  • The President can issue the expulsion arrange as it were after an address by Parliament has been displayed to him within the same session for such removal.
  • The address must be bolstered by an uncommon lion’s share of each House of Parliament (ie, a lion’s share of the full enrollment of that house and a lion’s share of not less than two-thirds of the individuals of that House show and vote).
  • The grounds for expulsion are two demonstrated mischief or inadequacy.

The Judges Enquiry Act (1968) controls the method relating to the evacuation of a judge of the Incomparable Court by the method of arraignment: No judge of the Preeminent Court has been arraigned so far.

Impeachment movements of Equity V Ramaswami (1991-1993) and Equity Dipak Misra (2017-18) were vanquished within the Parliament.

What is the different locale of the Preeminent Court?

The purview of the Preeminent Court may be categorized as:

  • Original: Settles debate between Union and States and among States.
  • Appellate: Tries offers from lower courts in Gracious, Criminal, and Protected cases.
  • Advisory: Exhorts the President on things of open significance and law
  • Writ: Can issue writs of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari, and Quo warranto to ensure the Basic Rights of the individual.
  • Special Powers: Allow extraordinary leave to a request from any judgment or matter passed by any court within the region of India.

Explain the Various Types of Jurisdiction in Detail.

Unique purview implies cases that can be specifically considered by the Incomparable Court without attending to the lower courts some time recently. The cases in which government relations are included specifically go to the incomparable court.

The Unique Purview of the Incomparable Court builds up it as an umpire in all debates concerning government things. In any government nation, lawful debates are bound to emerge between the union and the state and among the states themselves.

The control to resolve such cases is dependent on the Incomparable Court of India. It is called a unique ward since the Incomparable Court alone has the control to bargain with such cases. Not one or the other the Tall Courts nor the lower courts can bargain with such cases. In this capacity, the Incomparable Court not fair settles the debate but also translates the powers of the Union and State government as laid down within the Structure.

Writ Juris

Any person, whose essential right has been damaged, can specifically move the Preeminent Court for cure. The Incomparable Court can grant extraordinary orders within the frame of writs.

The Tall Courts can too issue writs, but the people whose rights are abused have the choice of either drawing nearer the Tall Court or drawing nearer the Incomparable Court straightforwardly. Through such writs, the Court can donate orders to the official to act or not act in a specific way.

Appellate Jurisdiction

The Incomparable Court is the most noteworthy court of offer. An individual can request to the Incomparable Court against the choice of the Tall Court. Be that as it may, Tall Court must certify that the case is fit for request, that’s to say, that it includes a genuine matter of translation of law or Constitution.

In expansion, in criminal cases, on the off chance that the lower court has sentenced an individual to pass at that point a request can be made to the Tall Court or Preeminent Court.

The Incomparable Court holds the control to decide whether to confess requests indeed when the offer isn’t permitted by the Tall Court. Re-appraising the locale implies that the Preeminent Court will reexamine the case and the legitimate issues included in it.

If the Court considers that the law or the Structure contains a diverse meaning from what the lower courts caught on, at that point the Preeminent Court will alter the administering & too provide a modern translation of the arrangement involved.

The Tall Courts to have a Re-appraising purview.

Advisory Jurisdiction

The Preeminent Court of India has a counseling locale. This implies that the President of India can allude to any matter that’s of open significance or that includes elucidation of the Structure to the Preeminent Court for advice.

The Supreme Court isn’t bound to prompt on such things and the President isn’t bound to acknowledge such an advice.

  • Article 137: The Preeminent Court should have the control to audit any judgment articulated or arranged made by it.
  • Article 144: All specialists, respectful and legal, within the region of India, might act with the help of the Preeminent Court.

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) or Social Action Litigation (SAL)

The chief instrument through which legal activism has prospered in India is the Open Intrigued Case (PIL) or Social Activity Case (SAL). A person can approach the courts as it were in case he/she has been aggrieved.

An individual whose rights have been abused, or who is included in a debate, seems to move to a court of law. This concept changed in 1979. In 1979, the Court set the slant when it chose to listen to a case where the case was recorded not by the wronged people but by others on their behalf.

As this case included a thought of an issue of open intrigued, it and other cases came to be known as open intrigued litigations. Around the same time, the Preeminent Court moreover took up the case around the rights of prisoners.

This opened the doors for a huge number of cases where public-spirited citizens and intentional associations looked for legal intercession for the assurance of existing rights, improvement of living conditions of the destitute, assurance of the environment, and numerous other issues within the intrigue of the public.

Judicial activism could be a legal logic that the courts can and ought to go past the pertinent law to consider broader societal suggestions of its choices.

How PIL became the most important part of Judicial Activism?

PIL has ended up being the foremost imperative vehicle of legal activism. Through the PIL, the court has extended the thought of rights. It was felt by the courts that people as parts of the society must have the proper to look for equity wherever such rights were violated.

Through PIL and legal activism of the post-1980 period, the legal has too appeared status to require into thought the rights of those areas that cannot effectively approach the courts. For this reason, the legal permitted public-spirited citizens, social associations, and attorneys to record petitions for the sake of the penniless and the denied.

What is the negative side of PIL?

  • To begin with put, it has overburdened the courts. Legal activism has obscured the line of qualification between the official and governing body on the one hand and the legal on the other.
  • The court has been included in settling questions that have a place for the official.

Judiciary and Rights

The Structure gives two ways in which the Incomparable Court can cure the infringement of rights.

First, it can reestablish crucial rights by issuing writs of Habeas Corpus; mandamus, etc. (article 32). The Tall Courts moreover have the control to issue such writs (article 226).

Secondly, the Incomparable Court can pronounce the concerned law as unlawful and so non-operational (article 13).

What is Judicial Review?

The foremost critical control of the Preeminent Court is the control of legal survey. Legal Survey implies the control of the Incomparable Court (or Tall Courts) to look at the legality of any law in case the Court concludes that the law is conflicting with the arrangements of the Structure, such a law is pronounced as illegal and inapplicable.

The term legal review is no place said within the Structure. The reality that India includes a composed structure, and the Incomparable Court can strike down a law that goes against principal rights, certainly gives the Incomparable Court the control of legal review.

The summons powers and the audit control of the Court make the legal exceptionally capable. The audit control implies that the legal can decipher the Structure and the laws passed by the governing body.

Judiciary And Parliament

  • The scope of the correct to private property.
  • The scope of the Parliament controls to abridge, condense, or annul crucial rights.
  • The scope of the Parliament’s control is to revise the constitution.
  • The address approximately the law-making control of the Parliament makes laws that condense crucial rights while implementing mandate standards.


In conclusion, the judiciary in India serves as a pivotal column in maintaining the run the show of law, guaranteeing the amazingness of lawful standards, and defending personal rights inside an equitable system. Its freedom from political impact is vital for viable working and impartial decision-making. Through different protected arrangements and measures, the legal remains responsible to the Structure, equitable standards, and the individuals of the country. Hence, it stands as a foundation of popular government, guaranteeing equity, reasonableness, and the security of principal rights for all citizens.

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FAQs on topic Judiciary

What is the part of the legal in India?

The legal in India plays a critical part in maintaining the run the show of law, guaranteeing the matchless quality of legitimate standards, guarding individual rights, settling debates unbiasedly, and avoiding the development of dictatorship inside an equitable system.

Why is the autonomy of the legal important?

The autonomy of the legal is pivotal to guarantee that judges can execute their obligations without fear or favor, subsequently keeping up the keenness of the lawful handle and maintaining law-based principles.

How are judges named in India?

Judges of the Preeminent Court and Tall Courts in India are designated by the President after interviews with other judges and legitimate specialists. The Chief Equity of India is additionally designated comparably.

What is the locale of the Incomparable Court?

The Preeminent Court of India has unique, re-appraising, counseling, summons, and uncommon powers purview. It settles debates between the Union and States, listens to requests from lower courts, prompts the President, issues writs to secure essential rights, and has uncommon powers to give take-off to appeal.

What is an Open Intrigued Case (PIL) in India?

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) may be a legitimate instrument through which people or organizations can approach the courts to look for equity in open intrigued issues. It permits concerned citizens to address societal issues and ensure essential rights through legitimate intervention.

What is the importance of legal surveys in India?

Judicial audit permits the Incomparable Court and Tall Courts to look at the lawfulness of laws and government activities. It guarantees that laws and activities are reliable with the arrangements of the Structure, subsequently shielding essential rights and maintaining the run of the show of law.

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