JSTL Core <c:import> Tag

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology through which developers can create dynamic, server-side web applications. The Java code can be easily integrated into HTML templates to generate dynamic content. The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL), is one of the main components of JSP. The <c:import> tag is one of the several tags offered by JSTL that is used for embedding external content into a JSP page. In this article, we will understand the JSTL Core <c:import> tag in detail.

The <c:import> tag is a useful tool for including external content, such as HTML or JSP files, within a JSP page. You can directly import and embed content from an external source or websites directly into your JSP. As a result, a handy feature for creating modular, reusable, and dynamic web pages can be developed.

Syntax for <c:import>

The syntax for the <c:import> tag contains multiple parameters.

scope ="string"
varRender ="string"
context ="string"

Attributes of <c:import>

All Associated Attributes with JSTL Core <c:import> Tag are listed below:

Name Required Type Default Description
url Yes java.lang.String None The local file’s or website’s URL for import.
var No java.lang.String Print to Page The variable’s name that contains the imported information.
scope No java.lang.String Page Scope of the variable.
varRender No java.lang.String None The variable’s name that will make the imported content visible is Reader. The type of this variable is java.io.Reader.
context No java.lang.String Current application Context information about a web application while interacting with a related resource that is part of an external context.
charEncoding No java.lang.String ISO-8859-1 The imported content’s character encoding.

Example for <c:import>

Given below is an example usage of the <c:import> tag which will help you to understand it in more detail.


<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
        <title>Tag Example</title>
        <c:import var="data" url="https://www.w3wiki.net" />
        <c:out value="${data}" />


In the example above, the entire content would be fetched from w3wiki.net and stored in the “data” variable, which will later be printed.


You only need the URI relative to the web app root if you’re importing content from the same web application. The whole URL is not required.


<c:import url="/menu.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8" />  


  • Certain websites could not be accessible using the <c:import> tag because of browser security settings.
  • Make sure that your web server environment is configured appropriately and that you have appropriate network connectivity.
  • Also, certain websites might have limitations regarding their ability to be iframed or embedded in frames, which could impact the <c:import> tag’s output.

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