jQuery keypress() Method

jQuery keypress() method triggers the keypress event whenever the browser registers a keyboard input. So, Using the keypress() method it can be detected if any key is pressed or not.

NOTE: The keypress event will not trigger for all keys like non-printing characters (e.g. ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, ESC). The keydown() method can be used to check these keys. 



Example 1: The below code is used to check if a key is pressed anywhere on the page or not using the keypress() method of jQuery.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Jquery | Keypress() </title>
    <script src=
            keypress(function (event) {
            alert('You pressed a key');
        Try pressing any printable
        character from the keyboard


Example 2: The below code example will show you the name of the key pressed by you in the alert message using keypress() method.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Jquery | Keypress() </title>
    <script src=
            keypress(function (event) {
            let key = (event.keyCode ?
                       event.keyCode :
            let character = String.
            alert('You pressed key : '
            + character);
        Try pressing any printable
        character from the keyboard


Example 3: The below example will show an alert message if you click the enter key inside the input box.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Jquery | Keypress() </title>
    <script src=
            keypress(function (event) {
                let keycode =
                    (event.keyCode ?
                    event.keyCode :
                if (keycode == '13') {
                    alert('You pressed "enter" key in textbox');
            Press " Enter key "
            inside the textbox
        <input id="textbox"
               size="50" />


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