jQuery inArray() method

This inArray() Method in jQuery is used to search for a specific value in an array and return its index (or -1 if not found).


jQuery.inArray(val, arr [, Index])


The inArray() method accepts three parameters that are described below:

  • val: The value to search in an array.
  • arr: Any array like object.
  • Index: Index of the array from which to begin search.

Return Value

It returns the index of element in an array, or -1 if element not found.

Example 1: In this example, the inArray() method searches an element 30 in the array.


        jQuery inArray() Method

    <script src=

        let arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60];
        let val = 30;

        let index = $.inArray(val, arr);



Console Output:


Example 2: In this example, the inArray() method searches an element 30 in the array. The index attribute is also passed to search the element from index 3 and return -1. HTML


        jQuery inArray() Method

    <script src=

        let arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60];
        let val = 30;

        let index = $.inArray(val, arr, 3);



Console Output:


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