John Fritz Medal

Every year, the John Fritz Medal is awarded for outstanding industrial or scientific accomplishments in any pure or applied research area. The Award is a tribute to the famous engineer John Fritz. There are no restrictions on eligibility based on country or affiliation with a society or organization. However, association with one of the participating organizations is preferred. Each candidate had to be alive at the time of selection, and they would attend the organization’s awards event ceremony. Let’s get to know more about John Fritz Medal in this article. 

Who was Dr. John Fritz?

John Fritz, an American expert on iron and steel fabrication, was born on 1822. He was related to the Bethlehem Iron Co. from 1860 and was among those quick to bring the Bessemer interaction into the United States. He likewise presented open-hearth heaters and different upgrades. The John Fritz Medal laid out on Fritz’s 80th birthday celebration in 1902, is granted annually by the American Association of Engineering Societies for “logical or modern accomplishment in any field of applied science.

John Fritz Medal: Nominations Eligibility

Details for nominations for the John Fritz Medal should include the following.

  1. A filled-out nomination form includes the nominee’s and the primary nominator’s contact details.
  2. A maximum of five letters of recommendation outlining the nominee’s eligibility for the award (2-page maximum).
  3. Short biography of the nominee (1-page maximum).
  4. An abridged version of the nominee’s CV/Resume (3-page maximum).
  5. References to papers and publications (abbreviated version-3 page maximum).
  6. Suitable award citation, which must be no more than 25 words if chosen to be written on an award.

For three years, all submitted recommendations will be regarded as active nominations It is necessary to submit nominations according to Guidelines. The nomination must visit the official site for submission.

Timeline of John Fritz Medal: 

The John Fritz Medal follows the timetable listed below.



April 1

Online nomination starts 

June 1

Deadline for submitting a nomination June

June 30

Administrative Committee members receive qualifying applications from the committee chair

July 15

first voting round 

July 25

Second voting round

August 1

Result disclosed and forwarded to the award coordinator

September 15.

The participant is notified

Annual Ceremony

Award is given 

John Fritz Medal: Administration Board

The John Fritz Medal Award Committee oversees the Fritz Award’s administration on behalf of the SME Board of Directors. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Award Committee each have one-year mandates, as do members from participating organizations with three-year staggered terms. The participating organizations will alternate holding the Head and Vice-Chair posts so that each has the chance to chair the Awards Committee regularly. The Vice-Chair will eventually take over as Chair. The committee’s members will submit nominations, attend meetings, and assess applicants. Members must be thoroughly knowledgeable on recent advances in either pure or applied science made by scientists or businesses. To fulfill the deadline for the award, any member of a participating organization who is not actively engaging in the process will be promptly replaced.

Funding: Society of Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration (SME) bears all financial expanse of the John Fritz Award fund, which is responsible for the award ceremony.

John Fritz Medal: Selection of Nomination & Award

The Award Committee’s majority vote will decide the John Fritz Medal winner. If a qualified applicant is not found in any particular year, the Award need not be granted. The award includes a medal in a box, a lapel pin, and a framed certificate with the description of the recipient and the signatures of the award committee chair and the organization’s president. The recipient’s home organization’s awards ceremony will host the presentation of the award. The recipient will attend the occasion to get the prize.

John Fritz Medal: Current Winner (2010 – 2021) 

  • 2011 – Andrew J. Viterbi
  • 2012 – Leslie E. Robertson
  • 2013 – Gregory N. Stephanopoulos, Ph.D.
  • 2014 – Julia Weertman, D.Sc.
  • 2015 – Jon D. Magnusson, P.E.
  • 2016 – H. Vincent Poor, Ph.D., NAE
  • 2017 – Frank Kreith, Doc. Univ.Paris, P.E.
  • 2018 – Anne S. Kiremidjian, PhD.
  • 2019 – Not Awarded
  • 2020 – Not Awarded
  • 2021- Elon Masks

End Note

Dr. John Fritz was a highly renowned scientist in his field of science, which was applied sciences in mechanical engineering; he had contributed to the field of science with great specialties and hands; this award is given on behalf of a name in the year 2021 Elon musk was awarded John Fritz medal for his commendable work in the innovation of Tesla company and its new technology.

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