JEE Exam Experience

Let’s start with the obvious!

If you are an average student or slightly above average student who feels they are stuck in the rat race of JEE, this article is just for you. Honestly, when I was preparing for my JEE, the only thing which I cared about was the rank. We all are subconsciously running behind those numbers.

But I knew this rank was not my thing. Instead, what should I have done? Instead of feeling belittled, invest myself more in learning real market skills which matter the most here. (Now I know this because I have seen and experienced the reality).

No, I’m not saying that you don’t have to study. Instead, what I’m saying is you don’t have to feel low. Even though I didn’t crack JEE, I earned myself a good internship with the skills I made, which made me earn good numbers during the second year of my engineering. So to keep it short and simple! You are worth more than your ranks!

Life always lets you cook once. Make sure you are well-versed.

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