JavaScript Throttling

Throttling sometimes also called throttle function is a practice used in websites. Throttling is used to call a function after every millisecond or a particular interval of time only the first click is executed immediately.

Without throttling Function:

Without throttling, a function may be invoked rapidly, leading to performance issues, unnecessary resource consumption, and a potentially poor user experience.

Example: In this example, the code demonstrates an event listener attached to a button without any throttling mechanism. When the button with the id ‘nothrottle’ is clicked, the associated callback function executes immediately, logging the message ‘button is clicked’ to the console.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
    <button id="nothrottle">Click Me</button>
        // Selected button with the given id
        const btn = document.
        // Add event listener to the button
        // to listen the click event
        btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
            console.log("button is clicked");


With Throttling function:

With throttling, you limit the frequency of function invocations. For example, you might decide to execute a function at most once every 1500 milliseconds. This prevents the function from being called too frequently and helps maintain a smoother performance.

Example: In this example, a button with the id ‘throttle’ is equipped with a throttling mechanism using a custom throttle function. When clicked, the associated callback function, logging ‘button is clicked’ to the console, is throttled to execute at most once every 1500 milliseconds.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
    <button id="throttle">Click Me</button>
        const btn = document.querySelector("#throttle");
        // Throttling Function
        const throttleFunction = (func, delay) => {
            // Previously called time of the function
            let prev = 0;
            return (...args) => {
                // Current called time of the function
                let now = new Date().getTime();
                // Logging the difference
                // between previously
                // called and current called timings
                console.log(now - prev, delay);
                // If difference is greater
                // than delay call
                // the function again.
                if (now - prev > delay) {
                    prev = now;
                    // "..." is the spread
                    // operator here
                    // returning the function with the
                    // array of arguments
                    return func(...args);
            throttleFunction(() => {
                console.log("button is clicked")
            }, 1500));


Advantages of throttling function:

  • It prevents frequent calling of the function.
  • It makes the website faster and controls the rate at which a particular function is called.
  • Performance Optimization.
  • Improved Responsiveness.

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