JavaScript SyntaxError – Missing formal parameter

This JavaScript exception missing formal parameter occurs if any function declaration doesn’t have the valid parameters.


SyntaxError: missing formal parameter (Firefox)

Error Type:


Cause of Error: The function declaration is missing the formal parameters.

Example 1: In this example, the parameter ‘num’ is not defined in the list of formal parameters, So the error has occurred.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Syntax Error</title>
    function cube(5) {
      return num * num * num;

Output(In Firefox console):

SyntaxError: missing formal parameter

Example 2: In this example, the parameter ‘w3wiki’ is not defined in a list of formal parameters, So the error has occurred.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Syntax Error</title>
    function GFG("Geek") {
      return w3wiki;

Output(In Firefox console):

SyntaxError: missing formal parameter

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