JavaScript Symbol toPrimitive Property

In Javascript, by the use of the Symbol.toPrimitive Property (used as a function value), one can convert an object to its corresponding primitive value.To call the function , a string argument called hint is passed. The hint argument specifies the preferred return type of the resultant primitive value. The hint argument can take  “number”, “string”, and “default” as its values.



function myFunction() {
    // Creation of an object with the
    // Symbol.toPrimitive property
    const obj2 = {
        [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
            // If hint is number
            if (hint === 'number') {
                return 0;
            // If the hint is string
            if (hint == 'string') {
                return 'String';
            // If hint is default
            if (hint == 'default') {
                return 'Default';
    // Hint passed is integer
    // Hint passed is string
    // Hint passed is default
    console.log(obj2 + '');



Explanation: In the above example, depending upon the type of hint passed in the arguments, we obtain the desired output.

We have a complete list of Javascript Symbols methods, to check those please go through this JavaScript Symbol Complete Reference article.

We have a Cheat Sheet on Javascript where we covered all the important topics of Javascript to check those please go through Javascript Cheat Sheet-A Basic guide to JavaScript.  

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