JavaScript String trimStart() and trimLeft() Method

This article demonstrates trimEnd and trimRight methods of JavaScript string. Both methods are used to perform the same task and their implementation is shown below:

JavaScript trimStart() method:

The trimStart() method in JavaScript is used to remove whitespace from the beginning of a string. The value of the string is not modified in any manner, including any whitespace present after the string. 



Return Value:

It returns the final string that is stripped out of all the white space in the beginning. 

Example: This example implements the trimStart() method. 


// Function to implement trimStart method
function trimString() {
    // Input strings
    str1 = " w3wiki     ";
    str2 = "Hello There! ";
    // Implementation of trimStart method
    trimmed_out = str1.trimStart();
    trimmed_out2 = str2.trimStart();
    // Display output
    console.log('"' + trimmed_out + '"');
    console.log('"' + trimmed_out2 + '"');
// Function call


"w3wiki     "
"Hello There! "

JavaScript trimLeft() method:

The trimStart() method has an alias which is the trimLeft() method. It performs exactly the same function as the trimStart() method. 



Return Value:

It returns the final string that is stripped out of all the white space in the beginning. 

Example: This example implements the trimLeft() method. 


// Function to implement trimLeft method
function trimString() {
    // Input strings
    str1 = " w3wiki     ";
    str2 = "Portal ";
    // Implementation of trimLeft method
    trimmed_out = str1.trimLeft();
    trimmed_out2 = str2.trimLeft();
    // Display output
        + trimmed_out + '"');
        + trimmed_out2 + '"');
// Function call


"w3wiki     "
"Portal "

We have a complete list of Javascript Strings, to check those please go through the Javascript String Complete reference article.

Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by trimStart() method are listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

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