JavaScript String replaceAll() Method

The replaceAll() method in JavaScript is used to replace all occurrences of a specified substring or pattern with a new substring.

The replaceAll() method does not change the original string.

JavaScript’s replaceAll() method used for replacing all instances of a specified substring or pattern within a string with a new substring. This method comprehensively updates the string by replacing every occurrence of the target substring or pattern with the provided replacement string.

Note: The original string remains unchanged, preserving its integrity throughout the process.


const newString = originalString.replaceAll(regexp | substr , newSubstr | function)


This method accepts certain parameters defined below: 

  • regexp: It is the regular expression whose matches are replaced with the newSubstr or the value returned by the specified function.
  • substr: It defines the substrings which are to be replaced with newSubstr or the value returned by the specified function.
  • newSubstr: It is the substring that replaces all the matches of the string specified by the substr or the regular expression.
  • function: It is the function that is invoked to replace the matches with the regexp or substr.

Return Value:

Returns a String where the search value has been replaced.

JavaScript String replaceAll() Method Examples

Example 1: String Replace All Occurrences

The function gfg() takes a string “Beginner or Beginner”, replaces all occurrences of “or” with “for”, and logs the modified string “Beginner for Beginner” to the console.

function gfg() {
    let string = "Beginner or Beginner";
    newString = string.replaceAll("or", "for");

Beginner for Beginner

Example 2: Replace All Occurrences of “coffee” with “tea”

The function GFG() defines a regular expression /coffee/ig to match all occurrences of “coffee” case-insensitively in the string “Lets, have coffee today!”. It then replaces all occurrences with “tea” and logs the modified string “Lets, have tea today!” to the console.

function GFG() {
    const regexp = /coffee/ig;
    let string = "Lets, have coffee today!";
    newString = string.replaceAll(regexp, "tea");

Lets, have tea today!

We have a complete list of Javascript string methods, to check those please go through the Javascript String Complete Reference article.

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