JavaScript SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.slice() Method

JavaScript SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.slice() method is specifically for the objects of the SharedArrayBuffer type. It is used to create a new SharedArrayBuffer object that references the same memory region as the original but with a different range.


sharedArrayBufferVariable.slice(start, end);


  • start: An optional parameter representing the start index.
  • end: An optional parameter representing the end index. If omitted, the new SharedArrayBuffer will extend to the end of the original buffer.

Return Value:

  • It returns a new SharedArrayBuffer object representing the specified portion of the original buffer.

Example 1: The code example practically implements the SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.slice() method.


const buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(16);
const intArray = new Int32Array(buffer);
// Fill the array with the some values
intArray[0] = 1;
intArray[1] = 2;
intArray[2] = 3;
intArray[3] = 4;
// Use the slice() function to
// create a new view of SharedArrayBuffer
const GFG = intArray.slice(0, 2);
console.log("Original Array:", intArray);
// Display the new array created
// using the slice()
console.log("New Array:", GFG);


Original Array: Int32Array(4) [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
New Array: Int32Array(2) [ 1, 2 ]

Example 2: The below code example also implements the slice() method of SharedArrayBuffer.


const Buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(8);
const Array = new Uint8Array(Buffer);
// Use slice on the TypedArray to create
// a new buffer from 2nd to the 5th byte
const slicedArray = Array.slice(1, 5);
// Create a new SharedArrayBuffer
// from sliced TypedArray
const slicedBuffer = slicedArray.buffer;



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