JavaScript Map clear() Method

JavaScript Map.clear() method is used for the removal of all the elements from a map and making it empty. It removes all the [key, value] from the map. No arguments are required to be sent as parameters to the Map.clear() method and it returns an undefined return value.



Parameters: No parameters are required in the Map.clear() method.

Return Value: Map.clear() method has an undefined return type.

Examples of the above method are provided below.

Example 1: In this example, a map object “myMap” has been created with a single [key, value] pair and the Map.clear() method is used to remove the [key, value] pair from “myMap”. myMap.size() is used to check the number of [key, value] pairs belonging to the map object.


// creating a map object
let myMap = new Map();
// Adding [key, value] pair to the map
myMap.set(0, 'w3wiki');
// displaying the number of
// [key, value] pairs the map has
// removing the [key, value] pairs of
// the map using Map.clear() method
// displaying the number of
// [key, value] pairs the map has



Example 2: In this example, a map object “myMap” has been created with a three [key, value] pairs and the Map.clear() method is used to remove all the [key, value] pairs from “myMap”. myMap.size() is used to check the number of [key, value] pairs belonging to the map object.


// creating a map object
let myMap = new Map();
// Adding [key, value] pair to the map
myMap.set(0, 'w3wiki');
myMap.set(1, 'is an online portal');
myMap.set(2, 'for Beginner');
// displaying the number of
// [key, value] pairs the map has
// removing the [key, value] pairs
// of the map using Map.clear() method
// displaying the number of
// [key, value] pairs the map has




  • Map.clear() Method is used to remove all the [key, value] pairs of a map.

Exceptions :

  • If the variable is not of the Map type then the Map.entries() operation throws a TypeError.

We have a complete list of Javascript Map methods, to check them please go through the Javascript Map Complete Reference article.

Supported Browsers: 

  • Chrome 38 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Firefox 19 and above
  • Internet Explorer 11 and above
  • Opera 25 and above
  • Safari 8 and above

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