JavaScript HTML DOM

The HTML DOM serves as a blueprint for webpages, outlining their structure and individual elements, using JavaScript it can dynamically access and modify the content, structure, and style of a webpage. We can access, modify, and delete the HTML elements via JavaScript.

Table of Content

  • What is DOM?
  • Features of JavaScript DOM
  • What is HTML DOM?

What is DOM?

The DOM ( Document Object Model) is a universal language for web documents such as HTML, XML, and SVG. The JavaScript HTML DOM represents an HTML document as a tree-like structure, where elements, attributes, and text are nodes. Through the DOM, It allows developers to interact with individual document parts, enabling dynamic updates and manipulation.

Features of JavaScript DOM

  • Tree Structure: The DOM is organized like a family tree, with elements having parent and child relationships, it is easy to find and change things based on their positions.
  • Element Access: You can use different methods like getElementById, getElementsByTagName, and querySelector to access specific elements on a webpage.

What is HTML DOM?

  • HTML DOM stands for HTML Document Object Model.
  • It is a programming interface for web documents.
  • It represents the structure of an HTML document as a tree of objects.
  • With the HTML DOM, JavaScript can access and manipulate all elements of an HTML document.

Example: This example shows the accessing the JavaScript HTML DOM by id.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <title>Accessing the JavaScript
             HTML DOM by id

    <h1 id="demo">This is some text.</h1>
    <button onclick="changeText()">
      Change Text

        function changeText() {
            let element = document.getElementById("demo");
            element.textContent = "Text changed by JavaScript!";




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