JavaScript Function Definitions

JavaScript functions are declared using the function keyword, either as a declaration or expression. Declarations define named functions, while expressions assign functions to variables. Both enable code reuse and modularity.


  • Function Declarations:
    function functionName( parameters ) {
        // Statements

  • Function Expressions:
    let variableName = function( parameter ) {
        // Statements
  • Function Constructor:
    let FunctionName = new Function("parameter", "return parameter");
    let variableName = FunctionName(values); 

Parameter: It contains single parameter functionName which is mandatory and used to specify the name of function.

Examples of JavaScript Function Definitions

Example: This example we demonstrates a function declaration named GFG, which multiplies two numbers. The result is displayed in the paragraph element.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Declarations</title>
    <body style="text-align: center">
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            let var1 = GFG(40, 3);
            ).innerHTML = var1;
            function GFG(num1, num2) {
                return num1 * num2;


Example 2: This example describes a function expression assigned to var1, multiplying two numbers. The result is displayed using innerHTML.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Expressions</title>
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            let var1 = function (num1, num2) {
                return num1 * num2;
            ).innerHTML = var1(20, 30);


Example 3: This example describes a function expression created with the Function constructor, multiplying two numbers and displaying the result in a paragraph element.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Expressions</title>
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            let GFG = new Function(
                "return num1 * num2"
            ).innerHTML = GFG(25, 4);


Function Hoisting

Function hoisting moves function declarations to the top of their scope, allowing them to be used before declaration. Function expressions are not hoisted.

Example: In this example we define function hoisting by invoking a function before its declaration, displaying a welcome message from w3wiki.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Hoisting</title>
    <body style="text-align: center">
            function w3wiki() {
                    "Welcome to w3wiki"


Self-Invoking Functions

Self-invoking functions execute automatically upon creation, without a name. Function expressions followed by () execute immediately, while function declarations cannot be invoked directly.

Example: In this example we define a self-invoking function that sets content in a paragraph element, showcasing its execution upon creation.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Hoisting</title>
    <body style="text-align: center">
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            (function () {
                ).innerHTML =
                    "w3wiki is the best way to learn";


Functions are Objects

It can describe functions as objects and have both properties and methods.

  • When define function as property of an object then it is known as method to the object.
  • When design a function to create new objects then it is known as object constructor.

Example: In this example we demonstrates the use of the arguments object to count the number of arguments passed to a function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Hoisting</title>
    <body style="text-align: center">
        <p>Number of arguments :</p>
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            function w3wiki(num1, num2) {
                return arguments.length;
            ).innerHTML = w3wiki(4, 3);


Arrow Functions

Arrow functions simplify writing function expressions by providing a concise syntax without the need for the function keyword, return keyword, or curly brackets.

Example: In This example we defines an arrow function to multiply two numbers and displays the result using JavaScript.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Function Hoisting</title>
    <body style="text-align: center">
        <p id="Beginner"></p>
            const var1 = (num1, num2) =>
                num1 * num2;
            ).innerHTML = var1(5, 5);


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