JavaScript Error.prototype.fileName Property

The fileName is a non-standard property that contains the path of the file that raised this error. It is recommended to not use this property on production sites facing the web, as it may not work for every user.  If called from the Firefox Developer Tools, “debugger eval code” is returned. This property is one of the parameters, which is passed during creating an error object.



Property value:  Path of the file containing code that raised this error.

Return Value: It returns a string, representing the path of the file containing code that raised this error.

Example 1:


try {
    var err = new Error ("Could not parse file");
    if(err.fileName == undefined)
        err.fileName = "/Users/abhinavjain194/desktop/GFG/err.js"
    throw err;
catch(e) {
    console.log ("Error: " + e.message);
    console.log ("The Error occurred at " + e.fileName);


Error: Could not parse file
The Error occurred at /Users/abhinavjain194/desktop/GFG/err.js

Example 2:


try {
    var err = new Error ("Unexpected token output");
    if(err.fileName == undefined)
        err.fileName = 
    throw err;
catch(e) {
    console.log ("Error: " + e.message);
    console.log ("The Error occurred at " + e.fileName);


Error: Unexpected token output
The Error occurred at /Users/abhinavjain194/desktop/GFG/token_err.js

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer

We have a complete list of Javascript Errors, to check those please go through the JavaScript Error Object Complete Reference article.

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