JavaScript Date toDateString() Method

The date.toDateString() method converts the given date object’s contents of the date portion into a string. The date object is created using the date() constructor.



Parameters: This method does not accept any parameter. It is just used with a Date object created using the Date() constructor

Return Values: It returns the converted string of Date() constructor contents of the date portion. 

Note: The dateObj is a valid Date object created using the Date() constructor whose contents of the date portion are converted into a string.

Below are examples of Date toDateString() method.

Example 1: 


// Here a date has been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj =
    new Date('October 15, 1996 05:35:32');
// Contents of date portion of above date
// object is converted into a string using
// toDateString() method.
let B = dateobj.toDateString();
// Printing the converted string.


Tue Oct 15 1996

Example 2: Here nothing as a parameter is passed while creating the date object but still toDateString() method returns the current day name, month name, date, and year. 


// Here nothing has been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj = new Date();
// Contents of date portion of above date
// object is converted into a string using
// toDateString() method.
let B = dateobj.toDateString();
// Printing the converted string.


Mon Apr 23 2018

Example 3: When some random list of values is passed then the toDateString() method returns the corresponding produced string. The format for the Date() constructor is like Date(month, date, year, time). By following this format some values are given in the below program and the corresponding string is produced as output. The time format should be like (number:number: number). If time does not lie in this format, it gives the output as an Invalid date. 


// Here some different values has been
// assigned while creating Date object
let dateobj1 = new Date('1');
let dateobj2 = new Date('2, 3');
let dateobj3 = new Date('4, 5, 6');
let dateobj4 = new Date('7, 8, 3, 4');
let dateobj5 = new Date('4, 5, 6, 11:00:12');
let dateobj6 = new Date('12, 5, 4, 0:0');
// Contents of date portion of above date
// object is converted into a string using
// toDateString() method.
let B = dateobj1.toDateString();
let C = dateobj2.toDateString();
let D = dateobj3.toDateString();
let E = dateobj4.toDateString();
let F = dateobj5.toDateString();
let G = dateobj6.toDateString();
// Printing the converted string.


Mon Jan 01 2001
Sat Feb 03 2001
Wed Apr 05 2006
Invalid Date
Wed Apr 05 2006
Sun Dec 05 2004

Example 4: Months, Date, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds should be in their respective range of 0 to 11 for months, 1 to 31 for a date, 0 to 23 for hours, 0 to 59 for a minute, 0 to 59 second, 0 to 999 for milliseconds otherwise toDateString() method return Invalid Date. Here date is given as of 45 which is out of range of the date which is why the below code shows the output as null. 


// Here a date has been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj =
    new Date('October 45, 1996 05:35:32');
// Contents of date portion of above date
// object is converted into a string using
// toDateString() method.
let B = dateobj.toDateString();
// Printing the converted string.


Invalid Date

We have a complete list of Javascript Date Objects, to check those please go through this Javascript Date Object Complete reference article.

Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by JavaScript Date toDateString() method are listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

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