Java Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods

Java has introduced a significant language enhancement in Java Enhancement Proposal (JEP) 445, titled “Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods“. This proposal aims to address the needs of beginners, making Java more accessible and less intimidating.

Let’s delve into the specifics of this proposal and understand how it simplifies the learning curve for Java newcomers.

Basic Java Program

When new programmers embark on their coding journey, they typically begin by writing small programs—simple scripts or command-line utilities, for example. These initial programs do not require complex language constructs designed for larger projects. Concepts like classes, packages, and modules, essential for organizing and maintaining large-scale applications, are not only unnecessary but can be overwhelming at this stage.

Consider the classic “Hello, World!” program that is often used as the first program in Java tutorials:


// Basic Java Program
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

While this program is extremely simple in terms of functionality, it introduces several Java language constructs that can be perplexing for beginners. The class declaration, the public access modifier, the String[] args parameter, and the static modifier—all of these elements may be unfamiliar and seemingly unnecessary for a basic introductory program.

The challenge is that novice programmers encounter these advanced language features before they fully grasp fundamental programming concepts like variables and control flow. Educators often find themselves saying, “Don’t worry about that; you’ll understand it later.” This can be unsatisfying for both teachers and students and can lead to the impression that Java is a complex and convoluted language.

JEP 445: A Solution for Beginner-Friendly Java

JEP 445, authored by Ron Pressler and owned by Jim Laskey, is a notable effort to make Java more approachable for newcomers without fundamentally altering the language’s structure. The core objectives of this proposal include:

  1. A Gentle On-Ramp: The primary goal of this JEP is to provide a smoother on-ramp for beginners. It allows educators to introduce programming concepts gradually, starting with the basics and progressively moving to more advanced features as students’ skills grow.
  2. Concise Basic Programs: JEP 445 aims to help students write basic programs in a more concise manner. It reduces the verbosity of simple programs, making them easier to understand and work with.
  3. No Separate Beginner’s Dialect or Toolchain: A crucial aspect of this proposal is that it does not introduce a separate beginner’s dialect of Java. Instead, it maintains compatibility with the existing Java ecosystem. Student programs can be compiled and run using the same tools as any other Java program, preserving the language’s integrity.
  4. Gradual Evolution: The proposal does not fundamentally change Java’s structure. Instead, it introduces features that postpone the need for complex language constructs until they are truly needed. This allows small programs to evolve gracefully into larger ones, preserving what students have learned in the early stages.

Key Changes Introduced by JEP 445

There are certain key changes that were introduced by JEP 445 as mentioned below:

1. Instance Main Methods

One of the fundamental changes in JEP 445 is the introduction of instance main methods. In traditional Java, the main method is static, public, and takes a String[] parameter. This, however, can be perplexing for newcomers. The proposal relaxes these requirements, allowing main methods to be non-static, non-public, and to omit the String[] parameter. This change significantly simplifies the code for simple programs.

For instance, the traditional “Hello, World!” program can be simplified to:


// Java Program with 
// Instance Main Method
class HelloWorld {
    void main() {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

This change eliminates the need for access modifiers, static, and unnecessary parameters, creating cleaner and more beginner-friendly code.

2. Unnamed Classes

Another key feature of JEP 445 is the introduction of unnamed classes to make class declarations implicit. For small programs that do not require explicit class declarations, there’s no requirement to declare a class explicitly. This reduction in code clutter allows beginners to focus on the core functionality of their programs.

Unnamed classes have specific characteristics:

  • They are always members of the unnamed package.
  • They are final and cannot implement any interface or extend any class other than Object.
  • They cannot be referenced by name.
  • They must have a main method, which serves as the entry point to the program.

With these changes, the “Hello, World!” program can be further simplified to:


// Java Program with
// Unnamed Class
void main() { 
  System.out.println("Hello, World!"); 

This approach streamlines the introductory code, making it more accessible for beginners.

3. Launch Protocol Flexibility

To support these changes, JEP 445 enhances the launch protocol for Java programs. It allows more flexibility in declaring a program’s entry point, accommodating instance main methods, and relaxing the constraints on the main method.

Selecting the Main Method. When launching a class, the launch protocol chooses the first of the following methods to invoke:

  • A static void main(String[] args) method of non-private access (public, protected, or package-private) declared in the launched class.
  • A static void main() method of non-private access declared in the launched class.
  • A void main(String[] args) instance method of non-private access declared in the launched class or inherited from a superclass.
  • A void main() instance method of non-private access declared in the launched class or inherited from a superclass.

This change in behavior is significant. If the launched class declares an instance main method, that method will be invoked instead of an inherited public static void main(String[] args) declared in a superclass. This provides greater flexibility in structuring code while accommodating different programming paradigms.

Benefits and Implications

JEP 445 brings several benefits to the Java programming community, particularly for educators and beginners:

  1. Simplified Introduction: The proposal offers a more straightforward and gradual introduction to Java, starting with basic programming concepts. This approach can be less overwhelming for newcomers.
  2. Cleaner and More Focused Code: By reducing the complexity of introductory code, JEP 445 helps students focus on the core functionality of their programs, enhancing their understanding of programming concepts.
  3. No Need for a Separate Beginner’s Dialect: Java veterans and educators can use the same tools and language constructs for both introductory and advanced programming, eliminating the need for a separate beginner’s dialect or toolchain.
  4. Gradual Evolution: The proposal supports the seamless transition from simple programs to more complex projects, ensuring that students can carry forward their knowledge as they tackle larger challenges.

Challenges with the Implications

However, it’s important to note that this proposal is not without implications and challenges:

  1. Potential Confusion: While the changes simplify introductory code, they might introduce a degree of confusion for those familiar with traditional Java. It’s important to strike a balance between simplification and compatibility.
  2. Code Maintenance: Maintaining code that transitions from unnamed classes and instance main methods to more conventional Java constructs may require additional effort.


JEP 445, “Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods,” is a significant step toward making Java more accessible and beginner-friendly. By simplifying introductory code and allowing for a gradual introduction of language features, it provides a smoother on-ramp for students and newcomers to the world of Java programming.

While these changes may raise concerns about compatibility and potential confusion among experienced Java developers, they align with Java’s commitment to adapt and evolve while maintaining its core principles. JEP 445 offers a more welcoming and less intimidating experience for those taking their first steps into the exciting realm of Java programming. As the Java ecosystem continues to evolve, JEPs like this one play a crucial role in ensuring the language remains relevant and accessible to new generations of developers.

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