Java Program to Delete a directory

The class named represents a file or directory (path names) in the system. This class provides methods to perform various operations on files/directories.

The delete() method of the File class deletes the files and empty directory represented by the current File object. If a directory is not empty or contain files then that cannot be deleted directly. First, empty the directory, then delete the folder.

Suppose there exists a directory with path C:\\GFG. The following image displays the files and directories present inside GFG folder. The subdirectory Ritik contains a file named Logistics.xlsx and subdirectory Rohan contains a file named Payments.xlsx

GFG Directory

The following java programs illustrate how to delete a directory.

Method 1: using delete() to delete files and empty folders

  • Provide the path of a directory.
  • Call user-defined method deleteDirectory() to delete all the files and subfolders.


// Java program to delete a directory
class DeleteDirectory {
    // function to delete subdirectories and files
    public static void deleteDirectory(File file)
        // store all the paths of files and folders present
        // inside directory
        for (File subfile : file.listFiles()) {
            // if it is a subfolder,e.g Rohan and Ritik,
            //  recursively call function to empty subfolder
            if (subfile.isDirectory()) {
            // delete files and empty subfolders
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // store file path
        String filepath = "C:\\GFG";
        File file = new File(filepath);
        // call deleteDirectory function to delete
        // subdirectory and files
        // delete main GFG folder


Following is the image of C drive where no GFG folder is present.

GFG folder deleted successfully

Method 2: using deleteDirectory() method from commons-io

To use deleteDirectory() method you need to add a commons-io dependency to maven project.







// Java program to delete a directory
class DeleteDirectory {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // store file path
        String filepath = "C:\\GFG";
        File file = new File(filepath);
        // call deleteDirectory method to delete directory
        // recursively
        // delete GFG folder


Following is the image of C drive where no GFG folder is present.

GFG folder deleted Successfully

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