Java Program to Create a Blank PPT Document

Program to create a blank PPT document using Java. The external jar(Java archive) file is required for the creation of a new PPT document. Below is the implementation for the same. An object of XMLSlideShow class inside External Apache POI module is required for the creation of a new PPT.


  • Created using the APACHE POI module.
  • Creating a new empty slide show by creating an object of XMLSlideShow class.
  • Creating a FileOutputStream object.
  • After that writing the changes to the file.

Note: External files are required to download for performing the operation. For more documentation of the module used refer to this



// Creating a blank PPT document using java
import org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel.XMLSlideShow;
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        // Creating a new empty slide show
        // by creating an object of XMLSlideShow class.
        XMLSlideShow PPT = new XMLSlideShow();
        // Creating a FileOutputStream object
        File newFile = new File("w3wiki.pptx");
        FileOutputStream output
            = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
        // After that writing
        // the changes to the file.
            "Blank PPT has been created successfully");






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