Java Program For Comparing Two Strings Represented As Linked Lists

Given two strings, represented as linked lists (every character is a node in a linked list). Write a function compare() that works similar to strcmp(), i.e., it returns 0 if both strings are the same, 1 if the first linked list is lexicographically greater, and -1 if the second string is lexicographically greater.

Input: list1 = g->e->e->k->s->a
       list2 = g->e->e->k->s->b
Output: -1

Input: list1 = g->e->e->k->s->a
       list2 = g->e->e->k->s
Output: 1

Input: list1 = g->e->e->k->s
       list2 = g->e->e->k->s
Output: 0


// Java program to compare two strings
// represented as a linked list
// Linked List Class
class LinkedList
    // Head of list
    Node head; 
    static Node a, b;
    // Node Class
    static class Node
        char data;
        Node next;
        // Constructor to create
        // a new node
        Node(char d)
            data = d;
            next = null;
    int compare(Node node1,
                Node node2)
        if (node1 == null &&
            node2 == null)
            return 1;
        while (node1 != null &&
               node2 != null &&
            node1 =;
            node2 =;
        // if the list are different
        // in size
        if (node1 != null &&
            node2 != null)
            return ( >
           ? 1 : -1);
        // if either of the list has
        // reached end
        if (node1 != null &&
            node2 == null)
            return 1;
        if (node1 == null &&
            node2 != null)
            return -1;
        return 0;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        Node result = null;
        list.a = new Node('g'); = new Node('e'); = new Node('e'); =
             new Node('k'); =
             new Node('s'); =
             new Node('b');
        list.b = new Node('g'); = new Node('e'); = new Node('e'); =
             new Node('k'); =
             new Node('s'); =
             new Node('a');
        int value;
        value =, b);
// This code is contributed by Mayank Jaiswal



Time Complexity: O(M + N), where M and N represents the length of the given two linked lists.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), no extra space is required, so it is a constant.

Please refer complete article on Compare two strings represented as linked lists for more details!

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