Class Method | Set 2

Set 1, Set 3
Methods of Class Method :

  1. readLine() : reads the next line of text from this file, start reading from the File Pointer till the end of file.
    Syntax : 
    public final String readLine()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads the next line of text from this file
  2. readUnsignedByte() : reads an unsigned 8 bit number from file, starts reading from the current File Pointer.
    Syntax : 
    public final int readUnsignedByte()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads an unsigned 8 bit number from file
  3. readUnsignedShort() : reads an unsigned 16 bit number from file, starts reading from the current File Pointer.
    Syntax : 
    public final int readUnsignedShort()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    reads an unsigned 16 bit number from file
  4. readUTF() : reads in a string from the file
    Syntax : 
    public final String readUTF()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    Unicode String
  5. seek(long pos) : pos) sets File pointer position.
    Syntax : 
    public void seek(long pos)
    Parameters : 
    pos : start position from file, measured in bytes
    Return : 
  6. setLength(long len) : len) sets length of the file.
    Syntax : 
    public void setLength(long len)
    Parameters : 
    len : desired length of the file
    Return : 
  7. skipBytes(int n) n) skip over n bytes, discarding the skipped bytes
    Syntax : 
    public int skipBytes(int n)
    Parameters : 
    n : no. of bytes to be skipped
    Return : 
    no. of bytes skipped
  8. getChannel() : returns unique FileChannel object associated with file.
    Syntax : 
    public final FileChannel getChannel()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    returns unique FileChannel object
  9. : returns length of the file.
    Syntax : 
    public long length()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    length of the file, measured in bytes
  10. getFilePointer() : return current offset in the file in bytes.
    Syntax : 
    public long getFilePointer()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    return current offset in the file in bytes
  11. getFD() : returns file descriptor object with the stream.
    Syntax : 
    public final FileDescriptor getFD()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 
    file descriptor object with the stream.
  12. close() : closes random access file stream and releases source associated with the stream, if any.
    Syntax : 
    public void close()
    Parameters : 
    Return : 

  13. // Java Program illustrating use of io.RandomAccessFile class methods
    // seek(), readLine(), readUTF(), readUnsignedByte(), readUnsignedShort(),
    // setLength(), length(), skipBytes(), getFilePointer(), getChannel(),
    // getFD(), close()
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
                // Creating a new RandomAccessFile - "GEEK"
                RandomAccessFile geek = new RandomAccessFile("FILE.txt", "rw");
                // Writing to file
                geek.writeUTF("Hello Beginner For Beginner");
                // Use of readUTF() :
                System.out.println("Use of readUTF() : " + geek.readUTF());
                //Use of seek() :
                // Use of readLine() :
                System.out.println("1 readLine() : " + geek.readLine());
                geek.writeUTF("Hello \nBeginner For Beginner");
                System.out.println("2 readLine() : " + geek.readLine());
                // Use of readUnsignedByte() :
              System.out.println("Use of readUnsignedByte() :  " + geek.readUnsignedByte());
                // Use of readUnsignedShort() :
              System.out.println("Use of readUnsignedByte() :  " + geek.readUnsignedShort());
                // Use of setLength():
                // Use of length() :
                System.out.println("Use of setLength() : " + geek.length());
                // Use of skipBytes() :
                System.out.println("Use of skipBytes() : " + geek.skipBytes(3));
                // Use of getFilePointer() :
                System.out.println("Use of getFilePointer() : " + geek.getFilePointer());
                // Use of getChannel() :
                System.out.println("Use of getChannel() : " + geek.getChannel());
                // Use of getFD() :
                System.out.println("Use of getFD() : " + geek.getFD());
                // Use of close() method :
                System.out.println("Stream Closed.");
            catch (IOException ex)
                System.out.println("Something went Wrong");


    Output :

    Use of readUTF() : Hello Beginner For Beginner
    1 readLine() : Hello Beginner For Beginners
    2 readLine() : Hello
    Use of readUnsignedByte() :  101
    Use of readUnsignedByte() :  27756
    Use of setLength() : 78
    Use of skipBytes() : 3
    Use of getFilePointer() : 5
    Use of getChannel() :
    Use of getFD() :
    Stream Closed.

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