Class in Java

This class is basically a piped character-input streams.In I/O Piped, simply means a link between two threads running in JVM at the same time. So, Pipes are used both as source or destination.
A pipe is said to be broken if a thread that was providing data bytes to the connected piped output stream is no longer alive.


public class PipedReader
  extends Reader

Constructor :

  • PipedReader() : creates a PipedReader(), that it is not connected.
  • PipedReader(int pSize) : creates a PipedReader, that it is not connected with specified pipe size.
  • PipedReader(PipedWriterStream src) : creates a PipedReader, that it is connected to PipedWriterStream – ‘src’.
  • PipedReader(PipedWriterStream src, int pSize) : creates a Piped Reader that is connected to Piped Writer with the specified pipe size.


  • read() : reads the next character from PipedReader. This method blocks until characters are available. Returns -1 if end of the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown and the method blocks
    Syntax() :

    public int read()
    Return :
    reads the next character from PipedReader.
    else, return-1 if end of the stream is detected.
    Exception : 
    -> IOException : if in case an IO error occurs.


    // Java program illustrating the working of read() method
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            PipedReader geek_reader = new PipedReader();
            PipedWriter geek_writer = new PipedWriter();
                // Use of read() method 
                System.out.println("using read() : " + (char);
                System.out.println("using read() : " + (char);
                System.out.println("using read() : " + (char);        


    Output :

    using read() : G
    using read() : E
    using read() : K
  • read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen) :[] carray, int offset, int maxlen) reads upto maxlen character from PipedReader Stream to the character array. The method blocks if end of Stream is reached or exception is thrown.
    Syntax :

    public int read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen)
    Parameters : 
    carray : buffer into which the data is to be read
    offset : starting in the destination array - 'carray'.
    maxlen : maximum length of array to be read
    Return :                                               
    next 'maxlen' bytes of the data as an integer value 
    return -1 is end of stream is reached
    Exception :
    -> IOException : if in case IO error occurs.
  • close() : closes the PipedReader Stream and releases the allocated resources.
    Syntax :

    public void close()
    Parameters : 
    Return :                                               
    Exception :
    -> IOException : if in case IO error occurs.
  • connect(PipedWriter source) : source) connects the PipedReader to the ‘source’ Piped Writer and in case ‘source’ is pipes with some other stream, IO exception is thrown
    Syntax :

    public void connect(PipedWriter source)
    Parameters : 
    source : the PipedWriter to be connected to
    Return :                                               
    Exception :
    -> IOException : if in case IO error occurs.
  • ready() : tells whether the stream is ready to be read or not
    Syntax :

    public boolean ready()
    Parameters : 
    Return :                                               
    true : if the stream is ready to be read else, false
    Exception :
    -> IOException : if in case IO error occurs.

    Java program illustrating the working of PipedReader class methods :

    // Java program illustrating the working of PipedReader
    // connect(), read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen),
    // close(), ready()
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            PipedReader geek_reader = new PipedReader();
            PipedWriter geek_writer = new PipedWriter();
            // Use of connect() : connecting geek_reader with geek_writer
            // Use of ready() method
            System.out.print("Stream is ready to be read : "+geek_reader.ready());
            // Use of read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen)
            System.out.print("\nUse of read(carray, offset, maxlen) : ");
            char[] carray = new char[5];
  , 0, 5);
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            // USe of close() method :
            System.out.println("\nClosing the stream");


    Output :

    Stream is ready to be read : true
    Use of read(carray, offset, maxlen) : Beginner
    Closing the stream
  • Next Article: Class in Java

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