in Java

This class is serialization’s descriptor for classes. It contains the name and serialVersionUID of the class. The ObjectStreamClass for a specific class loaded in this Java VM can be found/created using the lookup method. It extends class Object and implement serialisable.

Fields: static ObjectStreamField[] NO_FIELDS– This is the serialPersistentFields value indicating no serializable fields.


Class forClass(): This method return the class in the local VM that this version is mapped to. Null is returned if there is no corresponding local class.

Syntax: public Class forClass()
Returns: the Class instance that this descriptor represents
Exception: NA

static ObjectStreamClass lookup(Class class): Find the descriptor for a class that can be serialized. Creates an ObjectStreamClass instance if one does not exist yet for class. Null is returned if the specified class does not implement or

Syntax: public static ObjectStreamClass lookup(Class cl)
Return: the class descriptor for the specified class
Exception: NA

static ObjectStreamClass lookupAny(Class class): Returns the descriptor for any class, regardless of whether it implements Serializable.

Syntax: public static ObjectStreamClass lookupAny(Class class)
Return: the class descriptor for the specified class
Exception: NA


// Java code illustrating forClass(),
// lookup() and lookupAny() method
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ObjectStreamDemo
    public static void main(String arg[])
        // creating object stream class for Number
        ObjectStreamClass Beginner_stream
            = ObjectStreamClass.lookup(Number.class);
        ObjectStreamClass quiz_stream
            = ObjectStreamClass.lookupAny(ArrayList.class);
        // checking class instance


class java.lang.Number
class java.util.ArrayList

ObjectStreamField getField(String name): Get the field of this class by name.

Syntax: public ObjectStreamField getField(String name)
Return: The ObjectStreamField object of the named
field or null if there is no such named field.
Exception: NA

ObjectStreamField[] getFields(): Return an array of the fields of this serializable class.

Syntax: public ObjectStreamField[] getFields()
Returns: an array containing an element for each
persistent field of this class. Returns an array of length zero if
there are no fields.
Exception: NA

String getName(): Returns the name of the class described by this descriptor. This method returns the name of the class in the format that is used by the Class.getName() method.

Syntax: public String getName()
Return: a string representing the name of the class
Exception: NA

long getSerialVersionUID(): Return the serialVersionUID for this class. The serialVersionUID defines a set of classes all with the same name that have evolved from a common root class and agree to be serialized and deserialized using a common format. NonSerializable classes have a serialVersionUID of 0L.

Syntax: public long getSerialVersionUID()
Returns: the SUID of the class described by this descriptor
Exception: NA

String toString(): Return a string describing this ObjectStreamClass.

Syntax: public String toString()
Returns: a string representation of the object.
Exception: NA


// Java code illustrating getField(), toString()
// getClass(), getSerialVersionUID()
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ObjectStreamDemo
    public static void main(String arg[])
        // creating object stream class for Number
        ObjectStreamClass Beginner_stream
            = ObjectStreamClass.lookup(Number.class);
        // checking field
        // class name
        System.out.println("class name: " + Beginner_stream.getClass());
        // checking serial version UID


class name: class
java.lang.Number: static final long serialVersionUID = -8742448824652078965L;

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