Java File Class equals() Method with Examples

The equals() method of Java File Class compares the pathname supplied in the argument to the pathname provided in the argument. If the parameter is not null and points to the same file or directory, this function returns true. The operating system determines if the two abstract pathnames are equivalent or not.


public boolean equals(Object obj)


  • obj – The item against which the abstract pathname is to be compared

Return Value: It returns true, if and only if the items are the same; otherwise, false.



// Java program to show the usage of  
// File Class equals() Method
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        boolean bool;
        try {
            // create new files
            File f1 = new File("Gfg.txt");
            File f2 = f1;
            File f3 = new File("Gfg2.txt");
            // returns boolean value
            bool = f1.equals(f2);
            // prints the output
            System.out.println("Is is equal : " + bool);
            // returns boolean value
            bool = f1.equals(f3);
            // prints the output
            System.out.print("Is is equal : " + bool);
        catch (Exception e) {
            // if any error occurs

The method compares two File instances to see whether they are the same. This approach does not compare the content of the file or directory; instead, it checks if the pathnames are the same.


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