Java File Class compareTo() Method with Examples

The compareTo() function compares two pathnames lexicographically. In Java, the method may be used to sort files. This type of activity is dependent on the system on which JVM is installed. When comparing pathnames on Unix systems, the alphabetic case matters, while it doesn’t on Windows.


public int compareTo(File pathname)


  • pathname – The abstract pathname against which this abstract pathname will be compared.

Returns: This method returns 0 if the argument is equal to this abstract pathname, a negative value if the abstract pathname is lexicographically less than the argument, and a value larger than 0 if the abstract pathname is lexicographically greater than the argument.



// Java program to demonstrate the working 
// of compareTo() method of File class
public class GFG
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        File f1 = new File("c:\\w3wiki\\Gfg1.txt");
        File f2 = new File("c:\\w3wiki\\Gfg2.txt");
        int value = f1.compareTo(f2);
        if (value == 0
            System.out.println("Both files are equal");
        else if (value > 0
            System.out.println(" Gfg1 is greater than Gfg2");
            System.out.println(" Gfg2 is greater than Gfg1");


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