Is waterfall model faster than Agile?

The statement “Is waterfall model faster than Agile” totally depends on the project’s nature and requirements.

Waterfall is a linear process where each phase must be completed before moving to the next. While it offers clarity, this rigidity can make it slower to adapt to changes. Once a phase is finished, going back is challenging. In contrast, Agile is known for its flexibility and adaptability. It breaks the project into small iterations, allowing continuous reassessment and adjustments. Agile accommodates changes even late in the development, making it quicker to respond to evolving needs.

If a project has well-defined and stable requirements, Waterfall may proceed efficiently. However, if changes are likely or requirements are unclear initially, Agile’s iterative nature can result in a faster response to evolving project needs. Ultimately, the speed of Waterfall versus Agile depends on the project’s specific characteristics and the ability to adapt to changes during development.

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