Is There a way to Change the Metric Used by the Early Stopping Callback in Keras?

Answer: Yes, you can change the metric used by the Early Stopping callback in Keras by specifying the monitor parameter when initializing the callback.

Yes, in Keras, you can change the metric used by the Early Stopping callback, which monitors a specified metric during training and stops training when the monitored metric stops improving. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. Introduction to Early Stopping:
    • Early stopping is a technique used to prevent overfitting by monitoring a chosen metric during training and stopping the training process when the performance on the validation set stops improving.
    • Keras provides the EarlyStopping callback, which allows you to implement early stopping easily during model training.
  2. Changing the Monitored Metric:
    • By default, the EarlyStopping callback in Keras monitors the validation loss (val_loss) metric. However, you can change the monitored metric to any other metric available during training.
    • You can specify the metric to monitor by setting the monitor parameter when initializing the EarlyStopping callback. For example, to monitor validation accuracy (val_accuracy), you would set monitor='val_accuracy'.
  3. Example Code:


from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
# Define EarlyStopping callback with validation accuracy as the monitored metric
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', patience=5, restore_best_weights=True)
# Compile and fit the model with EarlyStopping callback
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
history =, y_train, epochs=100, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), callbacks=[early_stopping])

  • Importing EarlyStopping Callback:
    • The first line imports the EarlyStopping callback class from the keras.callbacks module.
    • This callback is used to monitor a specific metric during the training process and stop training if the monitored metric stops improving, thus preventing overfitting.
  • Defining EarlyStopping Callback:
    • The second line defines an instance of the EarlyStopping callback.
    • It takes several parameters:
      • monitor: Specifies the metric to monitor during training. In this case, it’s set to 'val_accuracy', which means the validation accuracy will be monitored.
      • patience: Indicates the number of epochs to wait before stopping training if there’s no improvement in the monitored metric. Here, it’s set to 5, meaning training will stop after 5 epochs of no improvement.
      • restore_best_weights: Determines whether to restore the model’s weights to the ones yielding the best value of the monitored metric. Setting it to True ensures that the model’s weights are reverted to the best ones.
  • Compiling and Fitting the Model with EarlyStopping:
    • The third and fourth lines compile the neural network model using the adam optimizer, binary_crossentropy loss function (suitable for binary classification tasks), and accuracy as the evaluation metric.
    • Finally, the fit() method is called to train the model using the training data (x_train, y_train) for 100 epochs. Additionally, the validation data (x_val, y_val) is provided to evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data during training.
    • The callbacks parameter is used to pass the EarlyStopping callback to the training process, ensuring that training stops early if the validation accuracy doesn’t improve for the specified number of epochs (patience=5). The restore_best_weights=True setting ensures that the model’s weights are reverted to the best ones observed during training.

4. Choosing the Right Metric:

  • The choice of metric to monitor with EarlyStopping depends on the specific goals and requirements of the machine-learning task.
  • Common metrics include validation loss (val_loss), validation accuracy (val_accuracy), validation F1-score (val_f1_score), and others.
  • It’s essential to select a metric that reflects the model’s performance and generalization ability on unseen data.


Yes, there is a way to change the metric used by the Early Stopping callback in Keras. By specifying the monitor parameter when initializing the callback, you can choose any available metric to monitor during training, such as validation accuracy, validation loss, or others.

The choice of monitored metric should align with the goals and requirements of the machine learning task, ensuring that early stopping effectively prevents overfitting and improves model generalization.

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