Is it Legal to Jaywalk in California ?

Yes, it is Legal to Jaywalk in California.

California’s “Freedom to Walk Act” (AB-2147), which took effect in January 2023, significantly changed the state’s jaywalking laws. You can now cross the street outside of a marked crosswalk or designated intersection unless there is immediate danger of a collision.

However, it’s important to understand the nuances:

  • Pedestrian Responsibility: The law still places a duty of care on pedestrians. You must yield to vehicles and act reasonably to ensure your safety.
  • Officer Discretion: An officer can still cite you if they determine you created an imminent hazard. As legal analyst Mark Johnson states, “The law aims for flexibility, but officer judgment remains a factor.”
  • Safety First: Even with this new law, prioritize your safety. It’s always safest to use crosswalks whenever possible.

This law change reflects a shift toward giving pedestrians more flexibility while emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior on the road by all parties.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

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