Inverse Functions Practice Questions

An inverse function undoes the actions of another function, effectively reversing its operation. It swaps input and output values, allowing for the retrieval of the original input from a given output. This article will teach us how to solve the questions based on the inverse function.

Table of Content

  • What is Inverse function?
  • Inverse of Some Common Functions
  • Inverse Functions Practice Questions with Solution
  • Practice Questions on Inverse Functions
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Inverse function?

The inverse of a function f is a function fβˆ’1 such that:

f{f βˆ’1 (y)} = y for all y ∈ Range (f)


fβˆ’1{f(x)} = x for all x ∈ Domain(f)

  • Graph of an inverse function is a reflection of the original function across the line y = x.

If f(x) = log x then its inverse is, f-1(x) = ex and the graph for the same is added below:

Inverse Functions

  • To graph the inverse function, interchange the roles of x and y. If the original graph passes through (a, b), the inverse graph will pass through (b, a).

Inverse of Some Common Functions

Inverse of some common function are added in the table below:


Inverse Function

Domain of Function

Range of Inverse Function

f(x) = x+a

fβˆ’1(x) = xβˆ’a

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = x-a

fβˆ’1(x) = x+a

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = ax (a≠0)

fβˆ’1(x) = x/a

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = x/a (a≠0)

fβˆ’1(x) = ax

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = x2

fβˆ’1(x) = √x​

x β‰₯ 0

x β‰₯ 0

f(x) = √x​

fβˆ’1(x) = x2

x β‰₯ 0

x β‰₯ 0

f(x) = x3

fβˆ’1(x) = βˆ›x​

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = βˆ›x

fβˆ’1(x) = x3

All real numbers

All real numbers

f(x) = ln(x)

fβˆ’1(x) = ex

x > 0

All real numbers

f(x) = ex

fβˆ’1(x) = ln(x)

All real numbers

x > 0

f(x) = sin(x)

fβˆ’1(x) = arcsin(x)

βˆ’Ο€β€‹/2 ≀ x ≀ Ο€/2​

βˆ’1 ≀ x ≀ 1

f(x) = cos(x)

fβˆ’1(x) = arccos(x)

0 ≀ x ≀ Ο€

βˆ’1≀ x ≀ 1

f(x) = tan(x)

fβˆ’1(x) = arctan(x)

βˆ’Ο€β€‹/2 < x < Ο€/2​

All real numbers

Inverse Functions Practice Questions with Solution

Q1. Find the inverse of the function ?(?)=2?+3


Replace f(x) with y:

y = 2x + 3

Swap x and y: x = 2y + 3

Solve for y: y = (x-3)/2​

So, fβˆ’1(x) = (x-3)/2​

Q2. Determine the inverse of ?(?) = (?-4)/3


Replace f(x) with y:

y = 3xβˆ’4​

Swap x and y: x = (y-4)/3

Solve for y: y = 3x + 4

So, f-1(x) = 3x + 4

Q3. If f(x) = x2 for x β‰₯ 0, find f-1(x):


Replace f(x) with y:

y = x2

Swap x and y: x = y2

Solve for y: y = √x​

So, f-1(x) = √x​ for x β‰₯ 0

Q4. What is the inverse function of f(x)=tan⁑(x) -?/2<x<?/2.


Replace f(x) with y:

y = tan(x)

Swap x and y: x = tan(y)

Solve for y: y = arctan(x)

So, fβˆ’1(x) = arctan(x)

Q5. If f(x)=x 1/x​ for xβ‰ 0, find f-1(x)


Replace f(x) with y:

y = 1/x

Swap x and y: x=1/y

Solve for y: y= 1/x

So, f-1(x)= 1/x​

Q6. What is the inverse function of f(x) = x3


Replace f(x) with y:

y = x3

Swap x and y: x = y3

Solve for y: y = βˆ›x​

So, f-1(x) = βˆ›x​

Q7. Determine f-1(x) for the function f(x)=ex


Replace f(x) with y:

y = ex

Swap x and y: x = ey

Solve for y: y = ln(x)

So, f-1(x) = ln(x)

Practice Questions on Inverse Functions

Q1. Find the inverse of the function f(x) = (x+2)/(3x-1)​.

Q2. Determine f-1(x) for the function f(x) = log(x).

Q3. If f(x) = arcsin (x), what is f-1(x)?

Q4. Given f(x) = arccos (x) for βˆ’1 ≀ x ≀ 1, find f-1(x).

Q5. What is the inverse function of f(x) = arctan(x)?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Inverse Function?

An inverse function is a function that reverses the operations of a given function. If you have a function f that maps an element x to an element y, then the inverse function fβˆ’1 maps the element y back to the element x. In other words, if f(x) = y, then fβˆ’1(y) = x.

What are 4 rules to Find Inverse of a Function?

4 rules to find the inverse of a function are:

  • Replace f(x) with y
  • Swap x and y
  • Solve the equation for y
  • Replace y with f-1(x)

What are 3 Steps of Solving an Inverse Function?

3 steps to solving an inverse function are:

  • Replace f(x) with y
  • Swap x and y
  • Solve the equation for y

What is Inverse of x3?

Inverse of x3 is βˆ›x​.

What is Inverse of 1?

Inverse of 1 is 1, because any number raised to the power of 0 is 1.

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