Intuitive Color Concepts in Computer Graphics

Every computer graphic image is composed of three primary colors. These include red, blue, and green. They are also known as RGB. Each one has specific properties that help create any color. Choosing the right colors is an essential part of creating digital artwork.

An Intuitive Color Concepts  is Color paintings which is created by mixing color pigments with white and black pigments to form the various shades, tints and tones. 

RGB is the abbreviation for red, green, and blue. Each one is a primary color and cannot be created from any other color. There are also secondary colors that can be created from multiple primary colors by mixing them together. White is also a primary color but does not need to be included in every composition. Every image needs at least three primary colors to work properly. 

RGB is the abbreviation from when ‘RGBA’ is derived, which stands for Red, Green, and Blue plus Alpha transparency. In computer graphics, transparency refers to the ability of a surface to block or transmit light correctly. It is usually represented as a percentage between 0% and 100%. A perfect 100% transparency would be achieved by rendering an object with no color at all. For instance, if an object was completely transparent, the background behind it would become visible. All computer graphics are composed with the confines of our RGB spectrum in mind.



Using three primary colors in any computer graphic project is ideal. However, it is possible to create computer graphics using just two color channels. Each channel uses just one of the primary colors; blue and green in this case. This allows designers to easily create more realistic colors compared to using only three primary colors. It’s also a lot faster to process and create an image when only two color channels are used instead of all three. 

RGB values are not fixed- they can be manipulated to create many different hues of a particular color. This is known as gaming the pigment values- a practice used by painters for centuries to achieve their final result. Certain color palettes look more realistic than others- for instance, pastel palettes look more natural than dark or stark primary colors used in hyper-realistic settings. This may be because our eyes interpret light differently depending on the background it is being viewed against.
RGB values are essential when creating computer graphics as they help with color selection and channel mixing setups. Every image needs new primary colors plus white to look realistic and natural. If only two color channels are used properly, they can produce realistic RGB hues that look perfect on their own channels. RGB values are important!

Apart from RGB, there are much more Color Models. A few of them are YIQ Color Model, CMY Color Model, HSV Color Model, and the HLS Color Model. YIQ Model means that it has a different shape and hue than others (depending on color parameters).CMY Color is mostly used in Movies or shows where the background looks greyish-gray to distinguish between characters etc.. The main challenge with this model is how we can produce light-based rendering using only pixels which have XYZ coordinates for each component color. For example, you cannot render an image rendered by any other program as your lighting engine will not let us achieve proper accuracy when comparing pixel values drawn at these angles, so if possible use LDR without a noise filter instead. 


HSV and HLS Models mean that the color has been converted by adding some value to it so is called Hue (Red) or Saturation Mode (Blue). RGB models also come with a few other features which give you access to colors like hue/saturation cycle(y2), and brightness slider(x2, etc.) on its own basis using 3 different parameters: Gamma, Luminance, and CIE Colour Space.  

The HSL Color model is a special color model. It is very popular in the industry for its unique and powerful way of mixing colors. If you have a dark background and want to add some light, you can mix HUE and Saturation to make it look good. Another special feature of HCL Color is the ability to change color temperature. This allows you to adjust the color of the video to your liking. 

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