Intuit Interview Experience for Internship

Once you get shortlisted by INTUIT for their internship, they will put you up to a coding round first and foremost. Those who get selected in the coding round move on to interview rounds and further on.

Coding round

Consists of: 4 QUESTIONS to be solved in 90 minutes

  • Each question is of Leetcode Medium/Hard level.
  • You might not get as much of complex data structure questions like Binary tree/Graphs
  • You will get complex array/list questions including multidimentional arrays like matrix questions.
  • Remember to know how to get and use space seperated integers for input
  • You can choose between multiple langauges – Python, Java, C++ etc

Online proctored test experience

  • You will have to install a plugin/extension for screen sharing/screen proctoring where they can see your screen and monitor all activities in it
  • Even if you choose “Share a window/tab” if you switch out, they can find out


  1. Good array – Sub arrays with K different integers – Leetcode hard level
  2. Minimum cost path – In 2D matrix
    Kady is standing on a two dimensional plane of size m*n square units. The plane is partitioned into unit squares. So in total, there are m*n squares. Kady has his favourite number “X” so each time when he will jump he will take jump of “X” units.

    In short, the plane can be considered a 2D matrix. Kady is currently standing at position S(p,q) where p is the pth row of the matrix and q is qth column of the matrix. Kady wants to go from his position S to his new position R(u,v) by taking jumps of exactly X units each time.
    Deterine if Kady can reach his destination or not. If he can reach, print the minimum number of jumps he needs to take to go from S to R.

    Input : The first line contains two integers m, n and X where m is number of rows and n is favourite number of Kady. The second line contains two integers p and q (Kady’s initial position). The third line contains two integers u and v (Kady’s destination position).

    Output : If Kady can reach his destination position then print minimum number of jumps he needs to take else print -1

  3. Descriptive array question 1 – Louise is a philologist, who studies ancient languages. He came accross an ancient language whose language can be interpreted from matrix m*n of symbols. Thankfully there were exactly 26 symbols and Louise mapped each symbol to a small-case english alphabet. Louise through his research found that each valid word in the language consists of atleast 2 consecutive symbols taken horizontally left to right or vertically top to bottom from the symbol matrix.

    Given a sequence of q carvings help Louise in finding if each carving is made up of valid words

    Input : The first line of the input contains an integer N, the number of words. The second line of the input contains N words (which indicates the true words). The third line contains an integer M and fourth line having M number of words which are from the language.

    Output : Print “YES” or “NO” if the word is a true word.

  4. Descriptive array question 2 – Yesterday thieves broke into a local jewelry store and stole some jewels. Your colleague is investigating the case and knows that the jewels were numbered from X to Y (inclusive), The numbers are distinct. However, your colleague does not know the exact values of X and Y. It is guaranteed that X is less than or equal to Y. Currently, there are N jewels in the store.

    Your task is to help your colleague determine the minimum number of jewels the thieves have stolen.

    Input : The first line of the input contains an integer N, the current number of jewels in the store. The second line of the input contains N integers (which indicates the jewel number of each unstolen jewel) n1, n2…nN. n represents the ith jewel.

    Output : Print the minimum number of jewels the thieves could have stolen.

You mostly get selected or clear the round only if you get atleast 3 out of 4 questions right, so good luck!

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