Introduction to Google Sites


Many small shopkeepers want to go online and for that, they must have a website. Google Sites is a web platform made for building a website from Google. It is similar to other platforms like Wix or WordPress but free. It was started out by a company named JotSpot and later bought and developed by Google to New Google Site Platform. This website not only helps you to build a professional website but also host it at the site’s domain for free.

Website Link:

Why Use Google Sites?

  • Using New Google Sites can be very useful as they make a responsive website. Also, there are various templates to choose from.
  • You can also select the domain and if you are not having one Google Sites will provide you one on their domain.
  • Making page is just drag and drop so it is super easy.
  • All the progress is stored in your own drive account in real-time.
  • Also apart from the elements present in the palette window, you can also embed additional HTML, CSS and JavaScript attributes.


Limitations: There are certain limitations while using New Google site:

  • They don’t support any third-party gadgets extensions similar to Classic Google Sites.
  • They lack the freedom to customize the website similar to other platforms.
  • Do not support Google Apps Script.
  • Can’t add ads to the website.
  • The site URL must begin with “” which is too long for a website.
  • The biggest limitation of all is it is on Google and if Google decides to disband the product then your site is gone for good.

Basic Website:

You can simply go to the website through the URL mentioned above and then select the desired template or start from scratch. The basic website will look like the one displayed below:

Screen Shot of the work area


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