Interlinking Production across Countries

Globalization refers to the process of interaction of the economy of a country with the world economy, in the form of exchange of capital, people, and innovations across boundaries. It is a process of connection and reconciliation among individuals, organizations, and legislatures of various countries, an interaction is driven by global exchange and speculation and helped by data innovation. Globalization has been worked with by a few elements like fast enhancements in innovation, advancement of exchange and venture approaches, and, tensions from worldwide associations like World Trade organizations.

Globalization, Privatization, and Liberalism

Liberalization means freedom of the economy and its independence from immediate controls which are forced by the public authority. 

Privatization refers to increasing the private area or section. It includes reducing the public sector undertaking and to privatize it for better efficiency and growth. It includes giving the priority of the organization to the private sector and changing the traditional policies.

Globalization is the act of opening the country’s economy to the globe, meaning spreading the production, business, and services not only within the country but also outside the country. It helps to integrate the economy of a country into the world economy.

Due to liberalization, the chances of competing around the globe have increased, as the trade barriers were removed which results in the free flow of goods across different nations. This eventually helped to increase the overall GDP of the country. Also, privatization led to the increment of capital in India, due to private sectors taking in the government sector helped in faster growth and maximized the profit, thus improving the economy of the country. In 1991, a new model of monetary changes was introduced, known as the LPG, standing for liberalization, privatization and globalization, because of this new LPG strategy, greater business was created in India as a result of globalization, numerous new unfamiliar organizations came into India, and different organizations experienced high development due to the abolition of Industrial authorizing. Because of this businesses likewise got created, giving the position to an ever-increasing number of residents.



Interlinking production across countries 

Various Multi-national Corporations(MNCs) interlink production across countries and set up their production in the places which yield their maximum output and profit. These MNCs and big organizations spent the cash and capital to purchase resources like land, building, machines and other gear, with any desire for acquiring benefits. Foreign investment refers to the investment done by MNCs. 

The production is set up where:

  • It is near the business sectors.
  • Where there is gifted and incompetent work, for minimal price.
  • Accessibility to different variables of creation is guaranteed.
  • Government arrangements that care for their inclinations.

Example of linking production at a global level

Huge organizations and businesses do not rely upon a single country, instead, they take different services from various nations which helps them to reduce their investment cost and help them grow even more efficiently. Popular tech leads companies or businesses to extend their services in different nations and utilize the skills and abilities of different nations to expand their businesses. For ex- A car manufacturing company prepares its design in the UK but for the manufacturing process and manufactures the parts of the car in China, then assemble the manufactured parts in America. And after providing customer service, set up their offices in India and give fewer salaries to Indian employees, as shown in the below diagram.

Phases of a Product or Service

Ways in which MNCs interlink production across countries

  • These MNCs sets up associations with nearby organizations by involving the local and small organizations for provisions, by intently rivaling the local companies or getting them merged.
  • MNCs spread their creation and associate with nearby makers in different nations across the globe.
  •  The advantage to the local organization of joint venture is two-crease: 
        1)  MNCs can give cash to extra speculations.   2)  MNCs could carry with them the most recent innovation for creation.
  • One of the most used ways is to purchase up local companies and small producers and afterwards to extend creation. 
  • Example – Cargill Foods, an extremely huge American MNC purchases over more modest Indian organizations like Parakh Foods.
  • These organizations likewise interlink the creation by purchasing the nearby organizations and utilizing their creation for supply.
  • These MNCs also provide supplies to distant and remote areas as they have a strong chain of supplies to goods and services.

These huge MNCs have a gigantic ability to decide price, quality, conveyance, and work conditions for these far off makers.

Example- A huge footwear company supplies the raw materials to small producers for the creation of the desired product and then sells these products globally at much larger prices by applying the tag of their brand.

Outcomes of Globalization in India

Globalization in India has massively affected the social, financial and political regions. It has its  impacts on both consumers and producers in India:

  • Indian Consumers gets a huge variety of decision, gets lower costs for comparative items and experience the best quality.
  • More and more jobs got created and many people got employment due to globalization. Also, the local companies benefited by supplying more and more raw materials to MNCs.
  • Since competition got increased, Indian companies started investing in technology and their production and gradually some big companies like Asian paints, Tata Motors secured a good place in both India and as well as global market.
  • Some local shops and small workers also get exploited due to this cut through competition as they do not have the technology and skills to match the cost of MNCs, and workers are not paid enough as compared to the profit margins of MNCs.

Struggle for the fair advantage of globalization to both Developed countries and India

  • The public authority can utilize exchange and speculation boundaries, any place essential and haggle at the WTO for ‘more attractive standards’. Further, it can line up with other emerging nations with comparative interests to battle against the mastery of created nations in the WTO.
  • The advantages of globalization have been inconsistently appropriated, both inside also and outside nations. There is developing polarization among champs and failures. The gap between rich and unfortunate nations has broadened. 
  • There is an imbalance in the worldwide principles. Monetary principles and foundations beat social standards and social organizations, while the viability of existing guidelines and establishments themselves are being tried by current worldwide real factors.
  • Primary change, without satisfactory social and monetary arrangements for change, has carried vulnerability and weakness to laborer and organizations all over, both in the North part and in the South part of the world.

Drawbacks of Globalization in India

  • It prompted the extension of the disorderly area for the production and setting up of units.
  • Laborer’s positions became poor as are not much included in MNCs.
  • Little producers have been hard hit because of extreme rivalry and competition as they were not able to match the production cost of the large MNCs.
  • Also, a few units have been closed down due to which the employees and workers working in the firm got unemployed
  • Laborers were exploited and kept their reasonable portion from getting benefits.

Basically, globalization should develop with a more far-reaching idea of public interest, characterized in more extensive terms than financial proficiency to incorporate squeezing social and ecological difficulties going up against both rich and poor countries. Thus, MNCs apply a solid impact on creation in these far off areas and Subsequently, creation in these broadly scattered areas gets interlinked.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is an MNC? Also, give examples.


An MNC,stands for Multinational Corporation, is an organization that possesses or controls creation of goods  and services in more than one country. Some examples of MNCs are TCS, Microsoft, Coca-Cola etc.

Question 2: Why do MNCs set up workplaces and processing units in different parts of the world?


MNCs set up work environments and handling units in various parts all over the world with the goal that they can get modest work and different assets and the expense of creation is low and the MNCs can acquire more benefits and profit.

Question 3: Explain the term Investment and Foreign investment.


  • Investment: Investment is purchasing of various resources such as a production line, a machine, land and building, etc. with the desire for acquiring benefit. This include purchasing of land, plants, machines, gifted engineers,  IT faculty for better production and service of the product.
  • Foreign investment: When this investment is done by an MNC,it is called foreign investment.

Question 4: Which association is responsible for the liberalization and progression of foreign exchange and investment?


The only organization that deals with the international rules of trade is WTO(World trade organization). The main responsibility of WTO is to guarantee that exchange of goods and services happens smoothly without any hitch.

Question 5: Write the two advantages of the joint production to the local organizations.


The advantages of the joint venture to the local organizations:

  • MNCs can give cash to extra investments, such as purchasing new machines for quicker production.
  • MNCs could carry with them the most recent innovation for creation.

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