Interesting Fact about Python Multi-line Comments

Multi-line comments(comments block) are used for description of large text of code or comment out chunks of code at the time of debugging application.
Does Python Support Multi-line Comments(like c/c++…)? 
Actually in many online tutorial and website you will find that multiline_comments are available in python(“”” or ”’). but let’s first look at what python creator, “Guido van Rossum” said about fake block commenting style :
Python tip: You can use multi-line strings as multi-line comments. Unless used as docstring, they generate no code!. 

  • if writing a text in a single line then use double quotes or single quotes in python.
  • if writing a poem or songs or multi-line text then to use triple quotes(“”” or ”’).
  • if printing these lines or text then simply insert it in print() function.



# Write Python3 code here
#this is only valid for single line
"this is a text constant for single line you"
"can't use multi-line within single or double quotes"
'this is also text-constant for single line'
#this is valid for multiline.
"""this is text constant for multi
or single line this will not
give any error"""
#you can also print both look at below..
print('this is also text-constant for single line')
print("""this is text constant for mult-line
or single line this will not
give any error""")

The above technique does not create true comments. It simply inserts Text constant that does not change anything or say that this is a regular single line string somewhere in your code. Always keep in mind to indent the first ( “”” or ”’ ) match correctly, otherwise a SyntaxError is generated. 


# Write Python3 code here
def check_syntax():
    look at your first ident
print("after this line interpreter gives error because your first ident doesnot match")
 """ <---- here first ident starts with 2nd column hence gives indentation error you must remember that  your first ident must be correctly  matched.

How we comment out chunks of code easily? 
Simply select those lines(it means when to copy the text then first select those lines) and then press (cntrl+#) otherwise consecutive # in every lines is the only way. 

  • Unlike other programming languages (c, c++, …) “python” does not support multi-line comment blocks out of the box
  • One can consider triple quote “”” as multi-line comments but this is not a good idea because this type of comments lines may turn into accidental docstrings.
  • consecutive # is the only way to comments lines in python(if you want to comment more than one lines then you can select those lines and press (ctrl+#) in python3.


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