Integration of Heterogeneous Databases in Data Warehousing

Pre-requisites: Data Mining, Data Warehousing

Data warehousing is the process of collecting, storing, and managing large sets of data from various sources in a single, centralized location for the purpose of reporting and analysis. The goal of data warehousing is to make it easier for organizations to access and analyze their data by bringing it together in one place. 


A retail company might have data on its sales, inventory, customer demographics, and marketing campaigns stored in separate systems. A data warehouse would bring all of this data together in one place, allowing the company to analyze sales by customer demographics, track inventory levels, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This would allow the company to make more informed decisions about its operations, such as which products to stock, which marketing strategies to focus on, and how to target its customer base. 

Heterogeneous Databases

Heterogeneous databases are databases that consist of data from multiple, dissimilar sources. These sources may include different types of databases, such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, and flat files, as well as different platforms and operating systems.


A company might have data on its sales and inventory stored in a relational database, while customer data is stored in a NoSQL database, and financial data is stored in an Excel spreadsheet. By integrating these data sources into a heterogeneous database, the company can analyze sales by customer demographics, track inventory levels, and measure the financial performance of the company all in one place.  

Integration of Heterogeneous Databases

Integration of heterogeneous databases in data warehousing refers to the process of combining data from multiple, disparate databases into a central repository, known as a data warehouse. This process involves extracting data from different sources, such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, and flat files, and then transforming, cleaning, and loading the data into the data warehouse.

The main goal of integrating heterogeneous databases in data warehousing is to make the data from different sources available in a consistent, unified format, allowing for easy querying and analysis of the data. This is particularly useful in organizations that have multiple databases with different structures and data models, as it allows for the integration of data from different systems, applications, and departments. 


Need for Integration of Heterogeneous Databases 

There are several reasons why the integration of heterogeneous databases is important in data warehousing:

  1. Improved data governance: Integrating data from multiple sources allows for better data governance, as all data can be centrally managed and controlled. This can help to ensure data quality, security and compliance with regulations.
  2. Increased efficiency: By integrating data from multiple sources, organizations can avoid the need to manually combine data from different databases, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
  3. Greater insights: Integrating data from different sources allows organizations to gain greater insights from their data by analyzing it in new ways and identifying patterns and trends that would not be visible with data from a single source.
  4. Better Decision Making: Integrating heterogeneous data can help organizations to make better decisions by providing a more complete view of their operations, customers, and business performance.
  5. Business continuity: In case of any system failure or unavailability of any particular data source, the data warehousing system can still be operational with the rest of the available data sources, this helps in business continuity.  

Approaches for Integration of Heterogeneous Databases 

There are two different approaches to integrating heterogeneous databases :

  1.  Query Driven Approach 
  2.  Update Driven Approach.  

1. Query-Driven Approach:  

The query-driven approach for the integration of heterogeneous databases is a method of integrating data from different sources by using a central query processor to handle all data requests. With a query-driven strategy, several sophisticated queries will be created for each separate database. There will therefore be a requirement for filtering and integration of the queries as a query-driven technique will provide complex results. Therefore the query-driven approach is not preferable for the companies as it is an inefficient and expensive approach. 

Disadvantages of Query-Driven Approach

  1. Performance issues: Query-driven integration can lead to poor performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data or complex queries. 
  2. Expensive Approach: Query Driven Approach is expensive when tends to queries that require aggregations to perform.
  3. Lack of data consistency: Query-driven integration can lead to data inconsistencies, as the integration process may not ensure that data is consistent across the different databases. 
  4. Inefficient: Query Driven Approach is Inefficient when dealing with the integration of heterogeneous databases as the databases exist from multiple sources.  

2. Update Driven Approach: 

The update-driven approach for the integration of heterogeneous databases in data warehousing is a method of integrating data from multiple databases by periodically updating the data in a central warehouse. The information from several heterogeneous sources is advanced combined and stored in a warehouse in an update-driven method. It is possible to directly query and analyze this saved data. As a result, many businesses utilize the update-driven strategy rather than the query-driven approach for integration because it is more effective and quick. 

Advantages of Update Driven Approach 

The update-driven approach has several advantages over the query-driven approach, including:

  1. Performance: Update-driven integration can improve performance by reducing the need for runtime translation of queries and allowing for optimized indexing and caching of data.
  2. Data consistency: Update-driven integration can ensure data consistency by periodically updating the data in the warehouse, which can reduce data inconsistencies and errors. 
  3. Flexibility: Update-driven integration can be more flexible, as it allows for incremental updates and can adapt to changes in the data models or DBMS. 
  4. Efficient: Update driven approach is more efficient as the data are integrated and stored in advance in the data warehouse. 


In conclusion, the integration of heterogeneous databases in data warehousing is a complex task that requires careful planning and execution. It involves several challenges such as data compatibility, data integration, and data consistency. However, the benefits of integrating heterogeneous databases in data warehousing are numerous, such as increased data availability, improved data quality, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

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