Integer floatValue() Method in Java

floatValue() method of Integer class present inside java.lang package is used to convert the value of the given Integer to a float type after a widening primitive conversion which in general is mostly applicable when we want to truncate or rounding-off the integer value. The package view is as follows:

--> java.lang Package
    --> Integer Class
        --> floatValue() Method     


public float floatValue()

Return Type: A numeric value represented by this object after converting it to type float.

Note: This method is workable when it is supported by java version 1.2 or onwards, so make sure to update java version if running on older(introductory) java versions.

Example 1:


// Java Program to Demonstrate floatValue() Method
// of Integer Class
// Importing required classes
import java.lang.Integer;
// Class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a custom integer by
        // creating object of Integer class
        Integer a = new Integer(28);
        // Converting Integer number to float value
        // using floatValue() method
        float b = a.floatValue();
        // Printing the float value



Example 2:


// Java Program to Demonstrate Working of floatValue()
// Method of Integer Class
// Importing required class
import java.lang.Integer;
// Class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a custom integer value by
        // declaring object of Integer Class
        Integer a = new Integer(20);
        // Convert Integer number to float value
        // using floatValue() method
        float b = a.floatValue();
        // Printing the float value on console



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