Instruction Register

Do you ever wonder how your computer makes sense of your commands and responds accordingly? What is there to say? It is no magic, but a thing called the Instruction Register. “Fancier” is perhaps one way to say “It’s akin to the conductor at an orchestra where every note (instruction) should be perfect.”

Today in this article, we are going to explore about mystery that exists in the Instruction Register. Whether you are techie or just anyone who is interested in knowing what it actually does inside one’s computer; here comes our trip to unraveling these mysteries. Therefore, fasten you seat belts, come with me and allow us take a close look at the Instruction Register but in an easy-to-understand version.

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): These include a central processing unit (CPU) that is responsible for interpreting and following instructions from memory stored within various parts of a computing system. This unit has several parts which include the Instruction Register, ALU, and the Control Unit.
  • Memory: Data and instructions are stored in memory in a computer system. Memory communicates with the CPU in the sense that it fetches, stores as well as processes the data.

Table of Content

  • What is an Instruction Register?
  • What is Program Counter?
  • Difference Between Program Counter (PC) and Instruction Register (IR)
  • How do Instruction Registers Work?
  • Workflow Diagram of Instruction Register
  • Types of Instruction Register
  • Features of Instruction Register
  • Importance of Instruction Register

What is an Instruction Register?

In the context of computer hardware, an instruction register is an element in the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer or other device that holds programming instructions that will be executed at the beginning of the next clock cycle as instructed by other parts. CPU. Other elements of the CPU, such as the instruction decoder, rely on instruction registers to hold this information so that it can be decoded, solved, and ultimately executed. With some types of microprocessor architecture, there may be more than one instruction register so multiple instructions can be processed at the same time, creating an assembly-line style of logic known as a pipeline. Normally, new instructions are given to the instruction register through another part of the CPU known as the program counter, which serves a very similar purpose but can advance to the next instruction while The information contained in the instruction register is executed.

A register is a series of physical switches on a microprocessor or circuit board that can be turned on or off, making each switch equivalent to one bit. When multiple switches, also called latches, are connected, they are capable of storing binary data such as numbers, which can be converted to memory addresses or instruction codes. Within a CPU, the instruction register may either hold the address in computer memory of the instruction being executed or, for efficiency, it may hold the instruction itself. This information is passed to the register via another register known as the program counter, which in most cases forwards to the next instruction to be executed after passing the current instruction.

The types of instructions processed by registers are typically low-level assembly language commands that are ultimately translated into machine code or byte code. These differ markedly from instructions in high-level programming languages, because assembly instructions operate on a much smaller, direct scale. An example is a line of high-level code that adds two numbers together and stores the results in a variable, which requires only one line of high-level code to express. When code is compiled, a dozen or more instructions may be generated to accomplish the task, each instruction being something simple, such as shuffling values ​​between computer random access memory (RAM) and a utility register.

What is Program Counter?

There is a register in a PC (program counter) processor that contains the address of the next instruction to be executed from memory. It is a 16 bit register and is also called instruction counter, instruction pointer, and instruction address register (IAR). PC (program counter) is a digital counter which is needed to execute tasks quickly and track the current execution point.

All the instructions and data present in memory have a special address. As each instruction is processed, the program counter is updated to the address of the next instruction to be fetched. When a byte (machine code) is fetched, the PC is incremented by one. So that it can fetch the next instruction. If the computer is reset or restarted, the program counter returns to zero value.

For example, suppose the content of PC is 8000H. Which means that the processor wants to fetch the instruction byte on 8000H. After fetching the byte at 8000H, the PC automatically increments by one (1). In this way the processor becomes ready to fetch the next byte of the instruction or to fetch the next opcode.

Difference Between Program Counter (PC) and Instruction Register (IR)

A computer’s CPU has two important components, the program-counter(PC) & the instruction register(IR). They respectively carry out different operations during the execution cycle of an instruction. Here are the key differences between the two:

Program Counter (PC)

Instruction Register (IR)

A program counter is a register which stores the address of the next instruction to be retrieved from the memory. It indicates the place in the memory where the next instruction is kept.

Instruction register is one of the registers used in holding the present instruction that is currently being executed or decoded by the CPU. It consists of the binary code for the instruction that has been fetched from memory.

Holds the memory address that will fetch the next instruction.

It stores a binary code of the currently running instruction.

The PC ensures that it keeps on recording the order in which instructions will be performed and always points at the address where the next instruction should continue. The PC typically proceeds with an update after it has fetched an instruction from a specified address.

The instruction is fetched from memory and stored in the IR, whose content is subsequently used by the CPU for decoding and executing. In many cases, information contained in this field is interpreted according to op code stored in register for instructions.

As the program runs through different steps, the PC gets incremented or changed such that it can direct the computer towards the next instruction sequentially.

During every cycle, new instructions are fetched from memory and the content of the IR is updated.

How do Instruction Registers Work?

In a computer’s central processing unit (CPU), an instruction register is a component responsible for holding the current instruction being executed by the processor. The instruction register is a small memory unit that stores instructions retrieved from memory and executed before the processor decodes them. Understanding how instruction registers work is essential to understanding how CPUs execute programs and how different computer architectures are designed.

Workflow Diagram of Instruction RegisterFlow-diagram-of-Instruction Register

Here is explanation of each component of above diagram:

  • Memory: This is the location of instructions and data. Information is fetched and stored by the CPU via its communication with memory.
  • Memory Control Unit: It controls the flow of information in between the CPU and memory.
  • Address Register: It is the pointer that points to the next machine which is used for fetching instructions.
  • Instruction Fetch Unit: It reads the instruction from the memory location addressed.
  • Instruction Register (IR): Temporarily holds the fetched instruction. Here, the opcode and operands can be found.
  • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit): Executes all the arithmetic and logic instructions retrieved from the internal register.

In running the programs, the CPU goes to memory, fetching out the Instructions, storing it in the Instruction register, decoding opcodes and executing the operation using the ALU. The process is iterative, such that it will be repeated for every instruction included in a program. The instruction register plays a vital role in the execution cycle as it makes possible for the CPU to know what operation should take place.

Role of instruction register in CPU

The instruction register is an integral part of the instruction processing cycle of the CPU. The CPU fetches the current instruction from memory and loads it into the instruction register. The instruction register holds the instruction until the processor decodes and executes it. Once the instruction is executed, the instruction register is updated with the next instruction, and the process continues.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Fetch Phase: Once a program has been commenced, the CPU receives from the memory into the Instruction Register the following instruction. This step is important as it ensures that the CPU understands what operation it should execute.
  • Decode Phase: The CPU fetches an instruction and decodes it, thereby interpreting the command that should be issued. This decoding process is important in the holding of information in the instruction register.
  • Execute Phase: This decoded instruction is then executed, with the results sometimes being fed back into the memory or other registers. Example: consider a simple instruction: ADD R1, R2, R3.
  • Fetch: CPU obtains the instruction to be executed from memory.
  • Decode: It realizes that the instruction is an addition operation.
  • Execute: The sum of contents from registers R2 and R3 is added to R1 by the CPU.

Types of Instruction Register

The instruction register is of different kinds meant for particular operations. Examples of these are the MAR, the MBR, and GPR registers.

  • General Purpose (GPR)
  • Memory Address Register (MAR)
  • Memory Buffer Register (MBR)

General Purpose (GPR)

GPR typically refers to a general purpose register that needs to have a duplicate of every current machine order issued by the CPU. Example: Suppose that every instruction was associated with some opcode having just one or more operands. The contents of the Instruction Register might look like this:

General Purpose (GPR)


General Purpose (GPR) diagram

Memory Address Register (MAR)

Many times “Instruction Register” means MAR that registers the address of the next instruction to be fetched. Example: Hence, if the other instructions are stored at the address 0x1000, then, the MAR will take up 0x1000.

Memory Address Register

Memory Buffer Register (MBR)

One more register which can be associated to the word “Instruction Register” is the memory buffer register (MBR). It holds items being loaded from or saved in the memory. Example: In some cases, the instruction itself can be kept in the MBR as the CPU reads it from memory.

Memory Buffer Register

Features of Instruction Register

  • Temporary Storage: Keeps the present instruction ready to be executed.
  • Fast Access: Enables speedy navigation through the processing instructions.
  • Instruction Set by Instruction Register: A subset of this system is the Instruction Register which makes up the instruction set architecture that determines the kind and number of tasks processors may handle.

Importance of Instruction Register

  • Instruction Fetch and Execution: However, this is done by the CPU in the execution cycle. The IR stores temporarily the fetched instruction. Once, an instruction is captured in the IR, it is decomposed into a sequence of elements and the opcode (operation code) is extracted from this sequence.
  • Decoding Operations: An opcode contains instructions that the CPU uses in order to specify which operation it will implement. Upon decoding the instruction, the CPU understands what operation is involved, e.g., addition, subtraction or branching.
  • Operand Retrieval: The instruction registers or the IR usually consists of an opcode and other supporting information such as operands of addresses. This data is used by the CPU to retrieve operand from either registers or memories depending on the instruction issued to it.
  • Control of Data Flow: Data flow is controlled by the integrated register which is very important. It tells the processor what to do with that data, in terms of a particular instruction.
  • Execution Cycle Management: The IR has a role at every stage of the CPU’s instruction execution cycle to ensure a seamless move from instruction fetching to execution. It enables coordination of all stages in instruction processing.
  • Program Counter Update: Usually, after fetching it, the program counter (PC) is updated to aim for the next one in a sequence. The IR updates the PC so that the CPU can fetch the next instruction.

Instruction Set by Instruction Register

An instruction set is a set of all possible instructions which can be run by the CPU. At the same time, the IR performs tasks to read and decode them into machine code.

Here’s a breakdown of how the instruction set is typically processed using the Instruction Register:

  • Fetch: The CPU fetches the next instruction during the fetch stage of the instruction cycle from memory. PC keeps the address of the upcoming fetchable instruction. During its operation, the computer fetches an instruction from a certain memory address that is then loaded into the Instruction Register for processing.
  • Decode: When the instruction is fetched to the CPU, it has to know what operation it should do. During decoding, the binary code contained in the Instruction Register is interpreted for its operation, operand, as well as other necessary information.
  • Execute: The CPU performs the operation specified in the instruction after decoding. It can encompass actions such as changing data, simple mathematics functions or branching processes.
  • Write Back (optional): Sometimes, the outcome is used to update a register or the memory cell. This step is not compulsory because it depends on the characteristics of instruction.

The instruction register provides an intermediate place where the currently executing instruction will temporarily reside while it is being fetched and decoded. CPU is enabled to execute just one instruction in this mode so as to ensure accuracy of the operation.

The size/format of instructions stored in the Instruction Register varies from one computer to another, which is determined by the architecture of the CPU and its instruction set. However, some CPUs apply fixed-length (where every instruction is fixed number of bits) or variable length instructions. Decoding is a process in which the opcode (operation code) together with additional operands/addressing modes, as stipulated by instruction format, are interpreted.


Finally, the Instruction Register forms the basis of computer architecture and it enables communications between the memory and the CPU. There are different kinds aimed at particular functions that make the contemporary computing systems effective and flexible. To have a better understanding of computer organization and architecture it is obligatory to learn the details of the Instruction Register. However, with the progression in technology, the Instruction Register still assumes a crucial position in the current day and age.

FAQs on Instruction Register

1. What will happen if you do not use an instruction register?

The execution of any programme without use of the instruction register will make the CPU not to be able to temporarily store and process the instructions.

2. Is it possible for an instruction register to be present on a processor?

No, usually, there is only one Instruction Register in a CPU. Nevertheless, certain high-end architectures may even use a number of pipelines to boost instruction throughput.]

3. What then, is the speed at which the Instruction Register is accessed?

The Instruction Register was created to have very fast access so that it could quickly recall and process instructions. Measured in nanosecond for access time.

4. What, if any, is the function of the Instruction Register on a multi-processing computer system?

Each core in a multiple-core processor is independent and thus has its own instruction register. Such makes simultaneous processing of several instruction possible thus improving performance of entire systems.

5. Are the content of the instruction register modifiable while execution?

However, in most cases, the instruction contents within the Instruction register cannot be modified in an effort to execute. The memory modifies the instructions before fetching an updated instruction into the Instruction Register to execute it.

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